PVC 硬质片材分为两种:透明硬质片材和不透明硬质片材两种:
PVC 透明硬片:礼品 / 文具包装,LED 扩散板;
PVC 木塑板材:装饰板,门板,广泛应用于建筑装饰行业;
PVC 仿大理石板材:
a、板材表面覆仿大理石纹装饰膜,或者热转印仿大理石纹并 UV 固化处理,良好的抗划伤性,耐刮擦性;
PVC rigid sheets are divided into two types:transparent sheet and non-transparent sheet:PVC Transparent Rigid Sheet:Medicine/Gift/Stationery packaging, LED diffuser plate;PVC Wood-Plastic plate:Decorative panels, door panels, widely used in the building decoration industry;PVC Imitation Marble Board:a.The surface of the board is covered with imitation marble pattern, or heat transfer imitation marble pattern and UV curingtreatment, good scratch resistance.b.Board with variety of color,it’s convenient to construct.c.Replace the natural stone such as marble in the interior wall decoration, good ageing resistance, UV resistance, yellowingresistance, green environmental protection, no radiation.
PVC 透明硬片: 礼品 / 文具包装,LED 扩散板;PVC 木塑板材:装饰板,门板,广泛应用于建筑装饰行业;
PVC 仿大理石板材:
a、板材表面覆仿大理石纹装饰膜,或者热转印仿大理石纹并 UV 固化处理,良好的抗划伤性,耐刮擦性;
PVC rigid sheets are divided into two types:transparent sheet and non-transparent sheet:PVC Transparent Rigid Sheet:Medicine/Gift/Stationery packaging, LED diffuser plate;PVC Wood-Plastic plate:Decorative panels, door panels, widely used in the building decoration industry;PVC Imitation Marble Board:a.The surface of the board is covered with imitation marble pattern, or heat transfer imitation marble pattern and UV curingtreatment, good scratch resistance.b.Board with variety of color,it’s convenient to construct.c.Replace the natural stone such as marble in the interior wall decoration, good ageing resistance, UV resistance, yellowingresistance, green environmental protection, no radiation.