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双旗币二十文拍卖价格 厦门鉴定双旗币二十文



近日,厦门伯得富有幸征集到“湖南省造双旗币二十文”一枚,藏品规格为:直径:3.2cm 重:9.9g ,此湖南省造双旗币二十文保存完好,钱币正面中央左为星旗、右为五色旗,两面上系结带相互交叉,外缘上铸“湖南省造”四字,下铸纪值“当制钱二十文”,左右分列花枝;钱币背面中央为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹禾穗,纹饰别致,边缘环英文。此枚钱币做工精美,钱文明晰,包浆极为浓厚,品相较佳。由于双旗币产生在混乱不安、烟火纷飞的民国时期,经过战火的摧残,能完整地保留下来的已为数不多,很是,弥足珍贵,具有很高的收藏价值。


Introduction to Hunan Province\'s Collection of 20 Articles of Double Flag Coins;

The investment value and growth rate of ancient coins are closely related to their quality. If there is a difference in the quality of the same coin, the price difference is often as high as more than ten times or even dozens or hundreds of times, which shows the importance of its quality. Among the coins worth collecting, palace coins made of gold, silver, cupronickel, etc. are rare items with less casting quantity and good quality.

The Republic of China was established after the victory of the 1911 Revolution. Sun Yat-sen became the interim president of the Republic of China. In the decree issued by the interim president, he proposed \"publishing a new model and coining commemorative coins\". Subsequently, Wuhan and Nanchang took the lead in casting Founding COINS of the republic of China, which was planned to replace the coins of the Qing Dynasty. This is the origin of the double flag coins made in Hunan Province.

The main picture of the coin flour of the commemorative coin for the founding of the People\'s Republic of China is the left 18 stars and the right five-colored flag * double flag pattern (this is the pattern used for copper coins in the early days of the Republic of China or the early days of the Republic of China). However, judging from the big features that can be discerned at a glance, the flour of the commemorative coins of the founding of the People\'s Republic of China can be divided into two categories: those with bead rings and those without bead rings. Those with bead rings can also be discerned at a glance from the handwriting, that is, they are all regular script. For the time being, we call this kind of flour with regular script in bead circle positive. (Note: the rare five, twenty and fifty denominations in the commemorative coins of the founding of the People\'s Republic are all of flour type.)

However, the double flag coins were soon replaced by the new coin making mechanism. The birth of silver coins such as Sun Xiaotou and silver coin with the head portrait of Yuan Shih-kan printed had a great impact on the double flag coins. In particular, a lot of small denominations such as ten and twenty coins were stored in the folk. However, due to the small number of fifty coins issued per se and the impact of subsequent coins, the amount of double flag coins remaining in the world was extremely small.

Recently, Sachi, rich in Xiamen, collected a piece of \"Hunan-made double flag coin with a diameter of 3.2cm and a weight of 9.9 g\". The 20 pieces of Hunan-made double flag coin are well preserved. The left of the center of the front face of the coin is a star flag and the right is a five-colored flag. The tying bands on the two national flags cross each other. The outer edge of the coin is inscribed with the words \"Hunan-made\" and the lower coinage value is \"when making 20 pieces of money\". The left and right sides of the coin are divided into branches. In the middle of the back of the coin is a grain of rice, with unique grain and English border. This coin is exquisite in workmanship, clear in Qian Wen, extremely thick in paste and of good quality. Because the double flag coins were produced in the period of the Republic of China, which was chaotic and turbulent, with fireworks swirling around. After the destruction of the war, few of them have been completely preserved. They are rare, precious and of high collection value.

Hunan province made double flag coins during the Republic of China, which only existed for several decades in the history of our country. therefore, during the period of shuddering and frequent civil wars, coins can still be preserved intact after endless years, which is not easy and has high cultural relics collection value, historical and cultural value and art appreciation value. Although there were many versions of coins in the period of the Republic of China, it is rare to collect this kind of double-flag coins made in Hunan province in today\'s collection shops. In the past decade or so when inside was in inside, coin collection has always been a key point in coin shops everywhere. Now, as one of the non-renewable resources, coins of the Republic of China still retain their original charm and show extremely high \"value\". In general, the dual-flag copper coins of the Republic of China will have their own reasonable market positions. The dual-flag copper coins of the Republic of China in the rising period need to be opportunities. Only when there are fewer and fewer coins in Quantity will most people realize the value and importance of the dual-flag copper coins of the Republic of China. At present, there are fewer and fewer coins of the Republic of China in the shopping malls. If Tibetan friends hold one, they will surely greatly increase their collection value space with the long-term development of the times.

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