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通过我厂生产出来的预制件,我们是会负责安排的悲凉进行运送的,这样就能够在将生产出来的预制件,在短时间内运送到客户的手中了。因为这种的公路预制盖板模具他是塑料材质的,所以在进行运送的时候是会对模具进行保护,如果没有任何的保护措施就去进行模具的运输,是会给模具造成伤害的。我们需要做到的就是将整个的模具先涂刷保护剂,并且要多涂刷几层,只有这样才能够让保护剂在凝固之后形成保护膜,并且不会给模具造成磨损的问题。接下来就是在等到保护剂风干的时候,在车厢的铺盖上一些的稻草,这样就能够有一些减震的效果,公路预制盖板模具就不会互相碰撞造成伤害了,然后把模具一个一个的摆放在车厢中,可以按照型号的大小进行摞积摆放,这样来说的话客户在进行检查取用的时候就会非常的方便,然后把保护剂凝固的公路预制盖板模具进行摞放就可以了,一个个的摞积在一起后在外围用保鲜膜、或者是泡沫纸都是可以的,能够有一个稳固和减震的效果。公路预制盖板模具    高速预制盖板模具   预制盖板模具Through the prefabricated parts produced by our factory, we will be responsible for arranging professional sad delivery, so that the prefabricated parts produced can be delivered to customers in a short time. Because this kind of road prefabricated cover plate mold is made of plastic material, it will protect the mold when it is transported. If the mold is transported without any protection measures, it will cause damage to the mold. What we need to do is to brush the whole mold with protective agent first, and to brush several layers more, only in this way can the protective agent form a protective film after solidification, and will not cause wear to the mold. Next, when the protective agent is dried, put some straw on the cover of the car, so that it can have some shock absorption effect, and the road prefabricated cover mold will not collide with each other and cause damage, and then put the mold one by one in the car, which can be stacked according to the size of the model, so that the customer can check and use it It will be very convenient, and then pile up the mould with the protector solidified. The stacking and stacking together can be used in the periphery with fresh-keeping film or foam paper, so that it can have a firm and shock-absorbing effect. Highway prefabricated cover plate mold high speed prefabricated cover plate mold prefabricated cover plate mold

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