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百灵达 BEHRINGER XENYX 1202FX 12路效果调音台

XENYX 1202FX 的每声道配有 12 输入端和 1个效果传送。另外, 还配有可设定的 CD/磁带输入端, 使连接灵活性大大增加。

新的 XENYX 麦克风前置放大器在音频质量,音色通澈度,动态余量,甚至在动态范围方面能与昂贵的单前置放大器媲美。

我们的新古典派的"英国式均衡器"将60 年代和 70 年代的那些曾经在音乐历史上有过硕大建树的大型调音台的那种温暖音感重新又带了回来。

XENYX FX 调音台配有一个新的录音棚级的 24 比果处理器。 100种音频质量让人交口赞誉的效果, 随需随用, 使用简单方便。


4 个技术新颖的 XENYX 麦克风前置放大器,可与单的前置放大器媲美

新古典英国式 3 波段均衡器,使音色变得温暖,音乐性

录音室级别的 24 比果处理器, 配有 100 套音质优美的预置。如:混响,延时,镶边,合唱,高音移动等许多其它多重效果


主混音混输出端,还有立的控制室,耳机和立体声 CD / 磁带输出端

CD / 磁带输入可通到主混音或控制室 / 耳机输出端

的 60 毫米流线型推杆和密封控制旋钮




Premium 12-Input 2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps, British EQs and 24-Bit Multi-FX Processor

XENYX: Premium Analog Mixers from BEHRINGER


Premium ultra low-noise, high headroom analog mixer

4 state-of-the-art XENYX Mic Preamps comparable to stand-alone boutique preamps

Neo-classic "British" 3-band EQs for warm and musical sound

Studio-grade 24-bit stereo FX processor with 100 awesome presets including reverb, chorus, flanger, delay, pitch shifter and various multi-effects

FX send control per channel for internal FX processor and/or as external send

Main mix outputs plus separate control room, phones and stereo CD/tape outputs

CD/tape inputs assignable to main mix or control room/phones outputs

Long-wearing 60-mm logarithmic-taper fader and sealed rotary controls

High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life

Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany

The new XENYX Mic Preamp matches the sound quality, transparency, headroom and even the dynamic range of boutique-style, stand-alone mic preamps.

The XENYX FX mixers incorporate a new studio-grade 24-bit FX processor. Get 100 real-world and awesome effect presets at your fingertips.

Our neo-classic“British EQ”brings back the warmth and musicality of those ‘60s and ‘70s mega-console desks that made music history.

With close to one million units sold, the UB mixer series has become one of the most popular mixer series of all times that has no doubt connected musicians all over the world. Our new XENYX mixers will take you to an even higher plane.

The XENYX 1202FX has 12 inputs and a FX Send control for each channel. Additionally, assignable CD/tape inputs have been incorporated for routing flexibility.


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