≥ 1台¥3850.00
关于 MCJC工业集尘机的选型:
③:过滤:颗粒粉尘和微细粉尘粉尘及烟雾的区分,脉冲工业集尘器针对细微颗粒 细微粉尘及烟雾的吸附,脉冲反吹清灰,可自动吹落吸附粉尘,滤芯可通过清理重复使用,喷吹法多角喷吹,清灰更。布袋集尘机主要针对颗粒粉尘,易收集,不易飞散型。
At the same time, with the development of economy, our country has introduced production technology at the same time, also introduced a large number of high-tech production equipment. Its higher cost and price, also prompted more enterprises to pay more attention to the maintenance of equipment. The intervention and introduction of industrial vacuum cleaner can better help enterprises spend less cost and save big expenses.
脉冲喷吹清灰,喷吹一次就可达到清灰的目的所以清灰周期延长,降低了清灰能耗,适用范围: 其特的设计能够满足您特定的需求,可吸:铁钉、铁屑、金属品、木屑、钢珠,石子、沙粒、灰尘等,适用于五金、机械、汽车、电子、食品、化工、医药等各行业除尘、回收。 HEPA过滤器 (可达到0.01—0.3uM等)或者添加旋风分离器提高过滤效果,可长时间72小时连续工作,是各工矿企业机台配套的理想产品。脉冲吸尘器是工业型的吸尘器,简捷的操作面板,安全方便具有过热、过载、缺相保护功能,
And take into account the large capacity of garbage cleaning industrial vacuum cleaner designed cylinder movement and dumping are very convenient. Or according to the situation is equipped with different bins or recycling boxes, in order to solve the problem of recycling in the field of industrial vacuuming. The most common is the intervention of the preprocessor, can increase the capacity, the separation of different materials of recycling, can make up for some of the deficiencies of different designs of industrial vacuum cleaners.