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In winter, many parents find that their children don't seem to be as smart as they are in summer. They often have a small temper and don't talk about it. There are also graffiti and vandalism. Parents don't know why. In fact, the reason is that parents are afraid of their children freezing and the necessary outdoor sports are reduced. The children will feel bored, so they are in a bad mood and have too much energy to vent If we don't come out, we will do more demolition and sabotage.
In fact, it's necessary to pay attention to children's clothing to keep warm and take them to participate in appropriate outdoor sports, which is beneficial to children's physical and mental development, improve children's cold resistance, temper children's will, improve their physical resistance, enhance their physical quality, let children play together, help children improve their ability of communication and communication, and avoid loneliness and self isolation 。
Now let's introduce some winter amusement projects suitable for children. Parents should bring their babies to participate in them.
1. Snowboarding:
Snow circle is a kind of ice and snow amusement equipment, which is made of environmental protection PVC material. It is non-toxic, odorless, inflatable, safe and comfortable to ride. It is used in winter amusement projects such as high slope skiing, snow skiing, rotating equipment seating, etc. the color of snow circle is gorgeous, in line with the aesthetic of children, can attract the eyes of children, and is loved by children.
2. Collision on ice
Operate the bumper car on the ice and collide with other game participants, which can absolutely satisfy the children's curiosity hunting psychology, let the children release too much energy in the laughter and laughter, and ensure that they will not tear home after returning home.
3. Leisurely snow turning
Drag the device to let the snow circle slide on the snow. The game is similar to the carousel. The device can adjust speed and meet the needs of children with various personalities for stimulation. Bold boys can try the fast mode. Quiet girls can ride the uniform leisure mode.
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