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2018 Autumn Auction Fine Recommended: Greater Japan Chrysanthemum Dragon Line One Round Copper Coin1868年,日本维新派发动政变推翻了德川幕府,成立了以明治天皇为首的维新,在富国强兵、文明开化、殖产兴业的宗旨下,实行了一系列改革,大力发展资本主义经济。为适应对外经济和商品贸易的需要,维新从明治元年(1870年)开始,从香港购了产自英国的全套铸币机器,在大坂成立国家造币厂,铸造了大小币值分5钱、10钱、20钱、50钱和壹元5种钱币。两年后试铸了数量的明治二十五年铜币,从此本全国统一使用金、银、铜三种货币,货币统一基本完成。
In 1868, the Japanese reformists launched a coup d'état to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate and established a reformist government headed by Emperor Meiji. Under the purpose of rich countries, civilized development, and colonial industries, they implemented a series of reforms and vigorously developed capitalist economies. economy. In order to meet the needs of foreign economies and commodity trade, the reformist government began to purchase a full set of British mint machines from Hong Kong in the first year of Meiji(1870) and set up a national mint in Osaka. The size of the currency was divided into 5 coins, 10 coins, 20 coins, 50 coins, and 5 coins. Two years later, a scarce number of Meiji twenty-five years of copper coins was tried. Since then, the country has used three currencies: gold, silver, and copper. The monetary unification has basically been completed.

The front pattern is the Chinese character "one circle", above is the sun pattern, surrounded by the cherry blossom foliage surround, the lower pattern is the silk belt ties the concentric knot.
The back is surrounded by beads of dragon play Bead Pattern, dragon outer ring beads, beads outside the "great Japan Meiji 25 years" and the English words. The coin is well preserved, the handwriting is clear, the bag is natural, for ancient coins.

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