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Sheep fat white jade and "sheep fat jade", as its name implies, is like sheep fat (commonly known as sheep oil) like jade. Modern gemstone experts explain that: high-quality Hetian white jade, its color is lipid white (can be slightly pale blue, cream yellow, etc.), texture is delicate and moist, oil is good, can have a small amount of impurities such as stone flowers. The sheep fat white jade mainly contains tremolite (95%), actinolite and epidote, which are in the form of congealed fat and belong to the category of nephrite.


赖经理:136 9098 6854 同号 :


LOT号 拍品名称 估价(万) 成交价(万) 拍卖日期
3119 羊脂白玉五子登科摆件 1,483.50-1,483.50万 1,631.85万 2018-06-28
0025 羊脂白玉马驹手把件 908.00-908.00万 1,320.00万 2018-10-17
0168 和田羊脂白玉籽料 926.62-926.62万 1,065.87万 2017-12-31
5070 元 羊脂白玉掐丝嵌宝石炉 350.00-500.00万 560.00万 2010-11-27
0037 清代·乾隆 羊脂白玉八 480.00-600.00万 528.00万 2006-06-18
4326 清乾隆 羊脂白玉留皮巧雕 200.00-300.00万 470.40万 2010-06-04
0135 和田羊脂白玉蟹王 280.00-280.00万 360.00万 2009-08-22
0562 清·乾隆 羊脂白玉狮钮双 咨询价 336.00万 2008-12-01
2149 清乾隆 羊脂白玉弦纹琴炉 200.00-300.00万 287.50万 2017-12-22
1037 羊脂白玉子料 180.00-260.00万 275.00万 2007-12-18
0053 清 羊脂白玉扳指 80.00-80.00万 165.00万 2007-01-20
0016 清 乾隆 羊脂白玉弥勒佛 60.00-80.00万 126.50万 2011-12-04
0170 清代 羊脂白玉水月观音像 89.00-89.00万 110.00万 2018-01-31
0283 和田羊脂白玉籽料 88.00-88.00万 96.80万 2018-08-29
0358 清 羊脂白玉观音坐像 80.00-120.00万 95.45万 2016-11-13

赖经理:136 9098 6854 同号 :

Yangzhi Baiyu belongs to the high-quality variety of Hetian Baiyu. It is pure white with greasy luster. The halo under candlelight is soft and slightly yellowish, like curd grease. [2] The subjades of Yangzhi Baiyu are soaked in the underground water and soil of Kunlun Mountain wasteland or oasis for millions of years, and the output is rare and the value is very high. 。 Sheep fat white jade is crystal clear and white, delicate and moist with few defects, "white as fat cut". Its characteristic is that it is exquisite, bright and moist. The best white marble is almost flawless, like the fat meat just cut, and its luster is like condensed oil.

羊脂白玉属于和田玉白玉玉中的品种,羊脂白玉是带着油脂光泽的纯白,在烛光之下的光晕是柔和而微微泛黄的,如同凝脂一般, [2] 羊脂白玉的子玉浸泡在昆仑山下荒原或绿洲的地下水土中千百万年,产量价值很高。羊脂白玉晶莹洁白,细腻滋润而少瑕疵,“白如截肪”。其特点就是,特别的细腻、光亮、温润。上佳的羊脂白玉近于无瑕,好似刚刚割开的肥羊脂肪肉,而光泽正如凝炼的油脂。


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