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我是杭州易构建材有限公司的魏经理,我厂生产玻纤沥青瓦20年了,研发生产;沥青瓦 油毡瓦 玻纤瓦 pvc外墙挂板 水泥木纹板 天沟落水系统别墅一体化产品,及运输,安装一体系多可以负责或者介绍,瓦片的性能非常广泛,效果好,轻质新型环保,总体造价低,安装很方便简单。
在国内与大型房产合作,(万科 绿城 万向 碧桂园等)也有稳定的经销商跟长期合作客户,厂里常年有充足的货源,欢迎您的洽谈,
瓦片介绍;瓦主要分为单层跟双层两大类,其中单层分为 单层标准型 单层马赛克 单层歌德型 单层方块型 玻纤沥青瓦的颜色有12种可以选择有量可以定制可以做,付款方式的话我们这个行业一般都是款到发货或者打定金发货货到结清尾款提货。需要的话可以打我电话 也是号,我姓魏。
I am Hangzhou E-co building materials Co. Ltd. Wei manager, I plant specializing in the production of fiberglass asphalt shingles for 20 years, professional R & D and production; asphalt shingle tile glass tile pvc wall panels cement wood board gutter system villa integration products, and transportation, installation of a system can be responsible or introduction, tile performance widely, the effect is good, light environmental protection, low cost, easy to install.
In the domestic and large well-known real estate cooperation, (Greentown Greentown universal garden, etc.) also has a stable dealer with long-term cooperation with customers, the factory has an adequate supply of perennial, you are welcome to negotiate,
Tile tile introduction; mainly divided into single and double two categories, which consists of single standard single-layer single-layer single-layer square type single mosaic Goethe fiberglass asphalt tile color had a choice of 12 quantity can be customized to do the payment if the industry we are generally Kuandaofahuo or make a blonde goods to settle the delivery. If necessary, you can call me is also a micro signal, my surname wei.三伏天将至来袭,各位朋友三伏高温天中午十点到下午三四点,紫外线指数高,容易中暑,大家好在此期间减少户外活动。要外出的话,要做好相应的防暑措施,如打遮阳伞戴遮阳帽、戴太阳镜、涂防晒霜。可以多喝些淡盐水和绿豆汤,消暑又补充水分。


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