

及时发货 交易保障 卖家承担邮费



Is there a shortage of money in the market? There are two answers to this question. One thinks that the situation of the investment market is unstable, many people hold the currency, so the consumption capital is obviously less in the art market, which is the reason why the adjustment period can not go away; the other is that the market is not bad, but the money is used to pay attention to the new plate, because everyone knows that some of the works of art in the traditional plate have already been known. At a high price, no one wants to be a big fan of helping others unlock.

The popularity of the market is still strong. As long as it is a big auction, there are many wait-and-see and licensing companies, but there are not many people who really hold hands. It is said that the size of new buyers has surged to 60% from 20% in the past. The new buyers are looking at more era symbols, more able to resonate with them, such as the new art show and other potential works of low and artistic value. In order to adapt to the new buyers, many auction houses have also begun to change, such as opening up new art topics and contemporary design special occasions, so as to cater for the needs of new buyers.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我在此对藏友们衷心劝告
TEL: : 1、天价都是浮云,成交才是王道
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2、收藏讲究实际,不追求奇迹。


-- the founder of antique international and the inheritor of collection culture -- --

- - spreading ancient and modern civilization and gathering friends all over the world -

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ here I sincerely advise Tibetan friends.
For details, please consult: Mr. Hou
TEL: WeChat: 1, the sky price is floating clouds, the deal is king.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2, collection is practical, not pursuing miracles.

Mode of cooperation: no complex procedures, on-site direct acquisition;

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