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  医院污水处理后,要达到GBl84662005中的排放标准,就采用二级污水处理工艺(即生物处理)+消毒,若排往地表水体的医院还需进行脱氯处理。在二级污水处理的各种工艺中,根据目前医院已有的构筑物场地(医院都存在两个问题:l、以前都有处理设施。2、周围没有足够的空地用于扩大污水站占地面积。)以及操作人员多为非技术人员,宜采用全自动控制的二段生物接触氧化工艺+消毒+脱氯。这种工艺占地面积小,产生污泥量少,抗冲击性好,全自动运行。为避免产生噪音,采用潜水曝气机进行曝气。两段式生物接触氧化工艺中,二沉池出水CODcr大去除率可达85%,BOD5大去除率可达92 5%:SS去除率大可达90 .9%,确保能达到排放标准。





Application of sewage treatment equipment in Dongli Hospital of Tianjin

As the weather gets hotter and hotter, the quality of the air is rising and the high temperature continues. In the recent period, the hospital has become a place where people often visit. It may be the reason for the continuous high temperature in recent days. Most of the children in the hospital are children. It seems that the high temperature has a great influence on children's respiratory tract infection. At any time, the ward of the hospital can be seen to treat the cold and cough. Sewage treatment equipment in the hospital how much money? Hospital sewage treatment equipment manufacturer.

It is understood that taking a children's Hospital in Weifang as an example, every day, the number of seeing and treating personnel has reached 2000 people. The treatment of hospital sewage has become a big problem in hospitals. The average daily sewage discharge in the children's hospital is 300 cubic per hour, so the hospital sewage treatment equipment is specially designed to solve the problem. Hospital sewage treatment equipment is the hospital sewage treatment equipment using the international advanced biological treatment process, the removal of BOD5, COD and NH3-N set in one, designed a set of organic sewage treatment device can set the equipment buried, buried in the ground, does not affect the area, and flowers and grass on the ground, does not affect the surrounding the environment.

The treatment of hospital sewage as the government of Weifang area has also attached great importance. Hospitals have gradually purchased the hospital sewage treatment equipment to solve the problem of hospital sewage discharge, hoping that the treated sewage can get the standard discharge.

To achieve the discharge standard of GBl8466 - 2005 after hospital sewage treatment, we must adopt the two stage wastewater treatment process (biological treatment) + disinfection. If the hospital discharged to the surface water body needs to dechlorination. In the two level of sewage treatment process, according to the existing hospital building site (there are two problems in hospitals: l, formerly, there are first level treatment facilities. 2, there is not enough space around to expand the area of the sewage station. As well as the non professional technicians, the two stage biological contact oxidation process, disinfection + dechlorination of full automatic control should be adopted. This process has small floor area, producing less sludge, good impact resistance and automatic operation. In order to avoid noise, a diving aerator is used for aeration. In the two stage biological contact oxidation process, the maximum removal rate of CODcr in the two sedimentation tank can reach 85%, the maximum removal rate of BOD5 can reach 92 5%:SS, and the maximum removal rate can reach 90.9%, so as to ensure discharge standard.

The hospital comprehensive sewage is first blocked by grille, large floating objects and suspended solids. The grille should be regularly cleaned. There are two kinds of grille, which are manual and automatic, which are available for users to choose. The sewage is discharged from the grid pool and enters the regulating pool, and the regulating pool plays the role of reducing the peak and homogenizing the water quality. A submersible pump and a high sealing liquid level controller and a diving aerator are installed in the regulating pool. When the water level in the pool reaches the high water level, the pump starts to work automatically and the system stops running automatically when the sewage reaches the low water level in the pool. The work of the diving aerator is controlled by the microcomputer time controller, and the water quality is pretreated by the timing automatic starting. After entering the biological contact oxidation tank from the regulating pool, the aeration system starts to start up, and the sewage is biologically treated. The suspended packing in the tank can improve the treatment efficiency, and the treated sewage is further processed in the self contact biological contact oxidation pond. After the treated sewage flow into the sedimentation tank, there are inclined plate packing in the pool, which can accelerate the mud water to leave. After the separation of the water flowing into the contact disinfection tank, automatic input amount of chlorine dioxide disinfectant on imports, disinfectant contact with sewage after an hour into the dechlorination pool, automatically adding dechlorination agent for import, to dechlorination treatment and then discharged in the pool, in order to ensure the health of fungi in the pool of active control the aeration machine uses double loop control, automatic start work when the sewage sewage inflow station.

Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. covers the business scope of wastewater treatment, environmental protection equipment production and sales. Main business: textile printing and dyeing wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment, food processing wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment, pickling wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment, washing wastewater treatment, starch wastewater treatment, slaughter wastewater treatment, the treatment of tannery wastewater, sewage treatment, hospital sewage treatment etc..

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