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有台430C潜孔钻机需要出售 租赁,这台钻机是2016年志高生产的,机器用了200个小时,九成新的机器,机器动力和回转扭矩都比较快,干活,钻孔直径在90-152mm的孔径,钻孔深度10-20米,用于铁路、公路、地铁、建筑等工程潜孔、打孔、基坑锚杆、跟管、打抗浮等作业项目都可使用。

个人诚信价格出租,比较实惠,机器没毛病,可来现场查看试机,有意向的话可电话联系我 咱具体详谈 1 87 5320 0076

430 hydraulic DTH rig is blast hole drilling in mining or construction of road, railway and water power station. The wise layout of diesel engine, air compressor, excavator chassis and dust colleting devices results an excellent environmental and cost saving performance.

产品特点 Features & Benefit

 新型摆线马达带动回转机构,回转更强劲,不易卡钎。 New type of cycloid motor for rotator provides powerful torque that reduces jamming.
 可根据岩右状况调整转速,提高凿岩速度。The rotation can be regulated as per different rock condition that achieves successful penetration.
 自主研发的湿式空滤,配合干式空滤,形成三级空气过滤系统,更完善的保护了柴油机。Designed and developed by ZEGA, the high performance moist air filter together with dry filter formed 3 stages filtering which is better for diesel engine.
 干式集尘器。High efficiency dry dust collector.
 加强行走马达,行走更有力。Heavy duty trammng motor.
 尼龙材料制成的回转座耐磨垫片有效保护滑架。Nylon wearing gasket protects the feed.

主要技术参数 Main Parameters

工作风压 Working Pressure 7—20 bar
耗气量Exhaust Capacity 10—20 m3/min
钻孔直径 Hole Range 90—152 mm
配用冲击器Hammers Option DHD340/DHD350
钻孔深度Hole Depth Max. 30m
钻杆长度 Rod Length 3000mm
钻杆直径 Drill Steel Diameter Ø76/89
单机爬坡能力Slope Ability Max. 30°
行走速度Tramming Speed 3km/h
回转转速 Rotation Speed 0—80rpm
回转大扭矩Torque Max. 2350Nm
整机重量 Total Weight 6500kg
外形尺寸 Profile Dimension 7370x2360x2560 (mm)
配套动力 Power Pack YC4A100
干式集尘器 Dust Collector Standard

配套空压机方案推荐 Necessary air compressor recommendation

高海拔地区推荐High altitude:250SCY-17
普通海拔地区推荐Normal: 191SCY-17
中风压配套推荐Medium pressure compressor:180SCY-14.5,138SCY-14.5,139SCY-14.5电移螺杆机配套Electrical compressor: 90SDY-14.5或132SDY-13、185SDY-17

注: 根据孔径大小及空气管路远近选配各种型号的空压机。
Note: The necessary air compressor is subjected to the hole and pipeline distance.

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