中山市旭日光电工艺厂,成立至今已有10年,公司与各大高校及科研机构密切合作,拥有多项专利,主营LED充电吧台灯,酒吧冰桶,酒吧烟灰缸,卡通充电台灯,雾泉氧吧灯,雾化器 ,雾化负离子加湿器,电离子魔灯,闪电盘,水母灯,火焰灯等系列灯饰,请密切关注我们,我们会不断推陈出新,样样新颖.以优惠的价格和的产品回报新老顾客!The Zhongshan Rising sun Electro-optic Craft Factory, the establishment has 9 years until now, the company clasp with each big university and the scientific research institution, has many patents, at present develops has the fog spring oxygen lamp, the atomizer, the atomization anoin humidifier, the electricity ion evil spirit lamp, dodges the electrophorus, the froth lamp, the seascape lamp, the optical fiber decorative lighting, the jellyfish lamp, the flame lamp, the magnetic suspension micro wave flow lamp, blows series high-quality goods decorative lighting and so on wave machine, please closely pay attention to us, we will weed through the old to bring forth the new unceasingly, is every kind novel. By the price which and the high quality product most gives preferential benefit repay the new old customer!
