"宁波华刃工具有限公司,成立于2006年项目一期投资1500万元,集合了国内的技术团队,竭诚为您提供让您满意的产品。 公司的特色产品——多刃尖麻花钻与普通的钻头相比,群钻有以下优势:1.切削:钻孔效率提高50- 2.使用寿命更长:可提高50- 3.切削轻快:轴向切削力降低 30-50% 4.超级定心:钻头轴线与工件表面不垂直偏差100,仍能顺利定心。5.使用范围广:适用于各种材料,如碳钢、合金钢、铸铁、不锈钢、有色金属等材料的钻孔。既可在机床上使用,也适用于手电钻等手工作业,如钳工、维修作业钻孔。既可钻较深的孔、也可钻较薄工件,更适合不平表面或有交叉孔等类型的工件钻孔。We are a manufacturer of high speed steel twist drill with special points. One group of them is called Chinese “Qunzuan” which has special arc-shaped cutting edges.Compared with traditional drill point Qunzuan is:More Efficiency: 50- higher Longer Tool Life: 50- longerLess Resistance: Thrust force is 30-50% lowerSuper Self-centering: In drilling a surface with a inclined angle of 10 degree it could still cut.Wide Range of Usage: Workpiece materials could be carbon steel steel alloys cast iron stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. It could be used on machines or handhold drills such as those used in maintenance jobs. It also has different points for both deep holes and holes on thin sheet metals"
