Over the past five thousand years, Chinese civilization has a long history of history and culture. Every stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth, and the silver dollar is also an important part of the historical galaxy. Its specific historical period also makes it occupy an important position in the history of coins. It not only represents the monetary culture of modern China, but also reflects the ups and downs and vicissitudes of our modern history, economy and finance. It has high artistic and cultural value.
Sichuan copper coin made by the military government was the product of the 1911 Revolution. In December 1911, the Chengdu Mutiny took place. The Sichuan Military Government, with Yin Changheng and Laurent as its principal and deputy governors, replaced the Sichuan Military Government, which had only been established for 12 days. At the beginning of the establishment of the new Sichuan military government, it was faced with the financial predicament that needed more and more money and spent less and less. The military government quickly took over the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan and decided to coin "Sichuan Copper coin" for emergency. In April of the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the Chengdu Mint of Sichuan, under the orders of the Sichuan Military Government, opened a mould to cast the army.
Sichuan copper coin (also known as "Han" copper coin).
Sichuan copper coin was coined by the local regime of Sichuan Province in the late Qing Dynasty and the Beiyang Period. Due to the lack of silver and copper mines in Sichuan Province and the warlord separatism after the 1911 Revolution, the regulations of the Central Government on the proportion of raw materials and the denomination of copper coins in the Monetary Regulations have not been strictly observed. The circulation of copper coins in Sichuan Province is very large, resulting in a virtual high price and affecting economic development. Sichuan copper coins were minted in June, 1903, and were gradually withdrawn from circulation until November, 1935, when the French coins began to circulate in the Republic of China.
1906年(光绪三十二年)7月, 清处户部又奏请朝廷, 拟将当时全国24处铜元局, 酌量归并为九处, 如折中所述:“然中国幅员辽阔, 若如全国仅设一厂,转运恐形不便,惟有相度地势之拼。除臣部所设总厂外,拟以山东归并直隶为一厂,湖南归并湖北为一厂,江西、安徽、江苏、清江并归江宁一厂,浙江归并福建为一厂, 广西归并广东为一厂。合奉天、河南、 四川、云南四厂,共九处, 皆归臣部统辖,调剂盈虚, 彼此均可匀拨。”在归并铜元局得以顺利实施的同时,又限定各省每日铸造铜元数额,以避免重蹈滥造的覆辙。此后,清将户部改称“度支部”,命各省造币厂改称度支部造币分厂,欲统而治之,巩固造币集权。
清代铸造机制铜圆讫1900年(光绪二十六年)始,至1911年(宣统三年)止,历时十余年。1900年广东开铸铜圆之后,清谕令沿江沿海各省仿铸时,并未规定统一的格式。全国各地皆自行开模铸造,各行其是。因此,大多未曾镌刻纪年,仅江南、江苏、奉天三省,除铸造无纪年当十铜圆之外,另铸造了数种干支纪年铜圆。其中,江南铸有壬寅(光绪二,1902年)、癸卯(光绪二十九年,1903年)、甲辰(光绪三十年,1904年)、乙巳(光绪三十一年,1905年)四种年号当十铜圆;江苏铸有壬寅、癸卯两种年号当十铜圆;奉天铸有癸卯、甲辰、乙巳、丙午(光绪三十二年,1906年)四种年号当十铜圆。 1906年,清下令停铸“光绪元宝”,改铸“大清铜币”,并颁布统一的祖模,命各地仿铸。故全国共二十个省局铸造的“大清铜币”,尽皆镌铸干支年号,无一例外。现存世的清代“大清铜币”当十,共发现乙巳、丙午、丁未(光绪三十三年,1907年)、戊申(光绪三十四年,1908年)、己酉(宣统元年,1909年)、辛亥(宣统三年,1911年)六种年号。