≥ 1个¥70.00
您好,市中的安利顾客朋友,如果您在市中,需要安利产品,请联系我----- 想要口腔健康,选对牙膏很重要,选对适合自己的牙刷同样重要。平时我喜欢刷毛软一些的牙刷,刷毛太硬容易伤害牙龈,安利丽齿健全护型牙刷就是一个很好的选择。丽齿健全护型牙刷刷颈采用了美国弹性刷颈技术,手握非常舒适,而且弹性,能够有效缓冲因为不当刷牙造成的压力,从而有效保护牙齿和牙龈。 同时美白牙齿,不伤牙釉质。含氟化钠和木糖醇,可帮助牙齿,防止蛀牙。薄荷味,令口气清新。相信洗澡是每位美眉睡觉前做的事,尤其是在炎热的夏季,会洗两到三次。洗澡的尾声工作就是在上打沐浴露,一款好用的沐浴露真的会让你的肌肤丝滑。市中安利实体店方位: 安利在实践中,人员真正把社群了业务核心地位,并在整个直播中,也在尝试能否不卖产品,只传递健康、营养的生活和知识,让客户在公益价值的基础上,在健康意识的基础上,自主形成需求,产生效果后进行有效的分享,我们也鼓励顾客这样的分享。市中周边安利店铺: 安利社交电商平台“安利云购”已升级,且又重磅上线安利微购。安利微购简单、、收益及时,是社交电商的入口,也是新创客的起跑线。通过安利微购,创客们只需要一部手机,就可以开始分享社交电商市场的红利。安利()销售包括营养品、化妆品、个人护理产品、家居系列产品共190多款。Amway Toothbrush: The small and exquisite cone-shaped brush head is medium in size, thin and flexible, and rich in bristles. Even the back molars in the deep mouth can be easily cleaned, and the non-slip brush handle is more comfortable to use. Medium and soft bristles of different lengths can take good care of the uneven surface of the teeth and clean more in place; the flexible neck brush can oid unnecessary damage to the teeth caused by improper brushing, and effectively protect the teeth and gums.
The Amway Dental Health Toothbrush is designed with full consideration of the uneven surface characteristics of the teeth, organically combining the medium and soft bristles of different lengths, which can effectively clean the surface of the teeth and completely remove the food residue and dental plaque hidden in the teeth. , And massage the gums comfortably.