Changes of fat in extruded corn
In the whole process of fat processing, the trend is to decrease. The decrease of crude fat is due to the combination of fat and amylose to form starch lipid complex. Amylose was destroyed after expansion, and the bound lipids were evaporated under high temperature and high pressure. The fat content of corn decreased after expansion.
Fat has great influence on texture, shaping and palatability. Generally speaking, fat not only affects the quality of final extrusion products (mainly the degree of expansion), but also may affect the whole extrusion process. In the process of extruding material production, when the oil content of single screw extruder is 0-12%, the extrusion effect is not affected. When the oil content is 12% - 17%, the oil content is not affected
一、 鱼饲料生产设备工艺流程:
二、 随着宠物的种类的不断地增加,各种宠物又有成年和幼小之别,对宠物食品的要求也不断提高。
三、 我公司根据这一市场需求,研制和开发了多种型号的宠物食品生产线,根据产量的不同,该鱼饲料生产线也有多种配置。该鱼饲料生产线可以通过调整原料、温度、水分等工艺参数,使产品具有形状新颖、口感特、营养丰富、组织细腻之特点,适合不同宠物的口味。该鱼饲料生产线广泛适用于狗、猫、鱼虾、狐狸、鸟及各种宠物饲料的生产,是不同生产厂家比较理想的选择。