≥ 10吨¥4000.00
Steel type Specificatior 产品分类
Product category 供货标准supply standard
SPCC 供赁标准Supply standard
对应标准Correspo nding standard
JIS G 3141-2009 用涂
Product usage
Ordinalow carbon steel 0.3-2.5 CQ 一般用,适于简单成型、弯曲及焊接 General use,suitable for simple forming,bending and welding
DQ SPCD JSG 3141-2009 深冲用,适用于制造冲压成形及较复杂变形加工的零部件。
For deep
drawing.it is suitable for the manufacture of stamping parts and more comolex deformation processing parts.
DDQ SPCE JISG 3141-2009 深冲压用,适用于制造深冲压成形及复杂加工的零部件。
For deep drawing. it is suitable for the
manufacture of deep drawn parts and complex processed parts.
low carbon steel and extreme low carbon steel 0.3-2.5 co DC01
SPCC GB/T5213-2019
JSG3141-2009 一般用,具有一定延展性,适于简单成型、弯曲及焊接。
Generally used
with certain ductility, suitable for simple forming. bending and welding
DQ DC03 GB/T5213-2019 冲压用、比C0级证屏件大、适用干制造冲压成形及较复杂变形加工的零部件。
For stampine. it is more ductile than CO grade.and it is
suitabie for the manufacture of stamping narts and more complex deformed parts.
SPCD JISG 3141-2009
DDQ DC04 GB/T5213-2019 深冲压用,具有比冲压级更大的证展件,话用干制造深冲压成形及复杂加工的零部件。
For deep drawing, it
has greater ductility than the stamping grade. and is suitable for the manufacture of deep drawing and complex processed parts.
SPCE JISG3141-2009