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2020年12月12 日:福建南平代做修建性详细规划设计方案福建南平本地的。备案的西峡县田关乡孙沟村农业生态观光园建设项目,根据产业结构指导目录2011年本(2013年修正),该项目符合类鼓励类农林业第3规定,准予,备案。。

备案内容如下:一、建设:朱砂镇南侧二、建设主要内容:该项目土地使用面积12222.35平方米,总建筑面积14666.82平方米,其中商业面积6821.78平方米,住宅面积7845.04平方米,建筑类型为两层框架结构。项目年综合耗电量为36万千瓦时,人防工程按有关法律法规执行,容积率、建筑密度、建筑限高、绿化率等规划指标以规划部门审批为准,市场前景良好,有利于城镇的。三、建设起止年限:2015年04月至2017年04月四、总投资:2000万元,其中:企业自筹2000万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。企业名称:河南帮万家便民服务有限公司经核查,你单位申请,项目名称:年生产12000吨金属钢构、1000辆挂车项目。建设主要内容:建设内容:年生产12000吨金属钢构、1000辆挂车项目。该项目在原厂址进行,无新增土地,新建喷漆房300平方米; 工艺技术:材料切割—组立焊接—除锈—喷漆—配套安装; 主要设备:龙门自动焊机、组立机、数控切割机、自动埋弧焊机、剪板机、数控钻床、多用车床、抛丸除锈机、喷漆房等。企业名称:获嘉县乐海新能源有限公司经核查,你单位申请。















Project name: coal-fired boiler upgrade project. Construction of the main content: the project to the company the original 5 10 t coal-fired boiler upgraded for 5 to 10 t gas boiler. Transformation contents are: the condensed water recycling instead of reconstruction of purified water system, boiler reduce the system noise, a new gas pipeline system, etc. After the completion of the renovation project, in order to clean energy replacement of traditional coal, natural gas can se 1200 tons of standard coal, thermal efficiency at the same time use increased from 60% to over 60%; And can reduce the emissions of harmful substances, of which 58% less carbon dioxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxide reduced by 99%, 81% less nitrogen oxides, slag and waste water to reduce , environmental protection benefit is remarkable.,项目名称:100MW太阳能光伏发电项目建设主要内容:该项目利用沙澧河两岸湿地公园1500亩,建设100MW分布式光伏发电,升压站、电站办公室及控制用房、电站内的护栏等辅助设施。主要设备有:钢构结构太阳能玻璃板、螺旋桩基础、电气、控制等,预计年平均发电量15000万度。。

项目名称:年产400万件(套)服饰生产项目建设主要内容:化厂房、办公楼、仓储、展示中心等附属设施共60000㎡;工艺流程:设计、大版、裁剪、缝纫、整理、烫熨、包装、成品;主要设备:缝纫机、锁边机、裁剪机、钉扣机等,西服、工装等服饰生产线20条。 ,备案的年产5000吨甲苯二胺、5000吨4,(N-仲丁基苯胺),符合产业政策,准予,备案。。

备案。,Project name: annual output of 7500 tons of magnesium alloy sheet project. The project content: the total investment of 145 million yuan, the project construction is carried out within the original site, building area of 38600 square meters. The main construction production workshop, storage centers and other facilities. Technology: the magnesium ingot - alloy - rolling to shear to inspection, packaging, warehousing. Major equipment: magnesium alloy rolling machine, finishing mill, roll grinding machine, straightening shear production line for liquid system, testing equipment, heating furnace, etc.。

Project name: commercial concrete production line expansion projects. Construction contents: on the basis of the original two commodity concrete production line, and an annual output of 100000 cubic meters of commodity concrete production line. Technology: the raw material classification measure - to silo, mixing in the bunker, finished goods. Major equipment: 3000 forced mixer.,项目名称:xx龙安区文峰大道西段CNG加气站项目建设主要内容:拟建设一座车用CNG加气站,CNG加气规模为10000立方米/日;CNG经压缩机加压后为出租车加气;主要设备有CNG加气井或安彩母站柱车输送,CNG加气机2台,总投资约500万元,约7亩。,备案的河南运通机械有限公司年产5000台(套)粮油设备生产加工项目,符合相关产业政策,准予。


Project name: annual production of 500 sets of grinding wheel mold equipment construction project, the construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 6500 square meters, the newly built workshop, warehouse, workshop of 4000 square meters, products are mainly engaged in grinding wheel mold manufacturing equipment. Technology: outsourcing of raw materials (steel pipes, steel plate), welding, machining, painting, assembly, finished products. Major equipment: bending machine, shearing machine, welding machine, lathe, milling machine, planer, grinder, boring machine and other equipment. After the completion of the project can be grinding wheel processing, mold equipment 500 sets, the market prospect is good.,项目名称:XX公司生态农业大棚棚顶100MW光伏并网电站变配电区项目建设主要内容:光伏发电项目配套变配电区;建设规模:面积8亩;工艺技术:将35千伏交流电通过变压器升压到110KV,通过送电线路将电能输送至220KV变电站内;主要设备:35KV高压开关柜、35KV高压电缆、110KV升压变压器、综合自动化保护装置。,Project name: annual output of 20000 tons of railway accessories project. Construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 30 mu, construction of buildings and ancillary facilities of 12000 square meters. Casting process: incoming material, melting, pouring, deoxidization, processing, testing, packaging, warehousing. Play a craft: shearing blanking, heating, three automatic molding, remaining quenching - tempering water cooling, packaging, warehousing. Spike technology: shearing blanking - pier, thread rolling, packaging, warehousing. Bolt technology: shearing blanking, heating, suppression of molding, thread rolling, packaging, warehousing. Major equipment: Denmark di sand automatic horizontal parting automatic molding line, mesh belt type tempering furnace production line, cold heading machine, punch press, lathe, etc.。


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