
公司有产品如:YUKEN、东芝简称KOBELCO、川崎KAWASAKI、神钢SK、卡特CAL、住友SL的柱塞泵、齿轮泵、叶片泵及配件。液压泵配件及总成,各种补油泵,齿轮泵,轴承,油封,低盘件,发动机配件,搅拌车配件发动机及油泵总成。订做种各种齿轮箱、油缸及各种齿轮。 在机械及行业设备-泵行业获得广大客户的认可。公司秉承“质量,保持信誉”的经营理念,坚持“客户”的原则为广大客户提供的服务。欢迎来电洽谈业务!
The company specializes in heavy crane and shipping equipment system: such as pile driver, crane, shipping, crawler crane with oil pressure equipment pumps. The package is packed in wooden cases. Can provide technical reference
The products are as follows:
Kawasaki, Toshiba, Linde, Caterpillar, Rexroth, UCHDA gear pump, VOITH gear pump, IHI, KYB, Staffa,HAGGLUNDS etc.
Five star motor, hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, gear pump welcome to consult Whatsapp+86-

1、 严禁用户自行拆卸,否则生产厂家不能产品的性能与质量。
2、 泵或马达所在的液压系统过虑装置精度很小,油液中不得混有机械杂质和腐蚀物质,容易形成油路阻塞而造成的损失。
3、 泵或马达的安装,进出油口应安装牢固,密封装置要可靠,否则吸入空气或漏油现象,影响泵或马达的性能。
Gear pump use notes:
1. Users are strictly prohibited to disassemble by themselves, otherwise the manufacturer cannot guarantee the performance and quality of the product.
2. The precision of the hydraulic system alarming device where the pump or motor is located is very small, and the oil shall not be mixed with mechanical impurities and corrosive substances, which is easy to form the loss caused by oil blockage.
3, the installation of the pump or motor, the inlet and outlet of the oil should be firmly installed, the sealing device should be reliable, otherwise the inhalation of air or oil leakage phenomenon, affect the performance of the pump or motor.
I will tell you the whole process after placing an order after consulting customer service. Whatsapp+86-

Hydraulic gear pump structure advanced, reasonable, good performance, high efficiency and stable and reliable work characteristics, but also a new structure diagram of the external high-pressure hydraulic gear pump. Due to the requirements of our customers, we can customize various types of gear pumps, please consult customer service personnel. Whatsapp+86-
Widely used in construction machinery, lifting and transportation, mining underground machinery and other hydraulic devices, as hydraulic power mechanism.

Lingong Hydraulic co., Ltd. specializes in the sales of hydraulic pumps, gear pumps, motors, chassis parts and engines. With a history of more than 30 years in Shanghai, we have a full set of testing equipment to calibrate hydraulic pumps and motors.
But also painstakingly study the multi-pump 2-5 pump, get the trust and support of the majority of users, further development down, thank you for the support of the boss.
The company adopts the characteristics of gear pump: simple and compact structure, small volume, cheap price, strong self-suction, impact load resistance, reliable work and other advantages, designed into a heavy shovel gear pump.

适用于进口汽车吊,越野吊,25~500吨,加藤kato,多田野tadano,ph神钢kobelco,利勃海尔liebherr,德马格Demag,克鲁勃krupp,格罗夫grove 、住友sumitomo、卡特CAL、神钢KOBELCO、日立 HITACHI、掘进机、盾构机
Shanghai Forest Hydraulic Co., Ltd. for all kinds of heavy shovel construction machinery, and research various types of gear pumps and motors, is to recommend my company's gear pumps to the world, as long as the machinery with oil pressure are used, if you need to customize please contact our customer service.
Suitable for import car crane, off-road crane, 25 ~ 500 tons, Kato, Tadano, PH Kobelco, Liebherr, Demag, Krupp, Grove Grove, Sumitomo, Carter CAL, KOBELCO, HITACHI, Roadheader, Shield machine Whatsapp+86-

上海林工液压有限公司专营:川崎,东芝,林德,卡特彼勒,力士乐, UCHDA 齿轮泵,福伊特内啮合齿轮泵, IHI ,KYB,斯达夫,赫格隆等。
五星马达、液压泵、液压马达、齿轮泵欢迎咨询 。
适用于进口汽车吊,越野吊,25~500吨,加藤kato,多田野tadano,ph神钢kobelco,利勃海尔liebherr,德马格Demag,克鲁勃krupp,格罗夫grove 、住友sumitomo、卡特CAL、神钢KOBELCO、日立 HITACHI、掘进机、盾构机
Kawasaki, Toshiba, Linde, Caterpillar, Rexroth, UCHDA gear pump, VOITH gear pump, IHI, KYB, Staffa,HAGGLUNDS etc.
Five star motor, hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, gear pump welcome to consult Whatsapp+86-

Shanghai Lingong hydraulic co., LTD. Perennial operation of engineering machinery hydraulic pump, gear pump, motor, chassis parts, winch, after 30 efforts in the home, now mature technology, all kinds of complete equipment, welcome people from all walks of life consultation.
Models such as: Imported truck crane, off-road crane, 25 ~ 500~1000 tons, Kato kato, Tadano, PH Kobelco, Liebherr, Demag, Krupp, Grove Grove, Sumitomo, Carter CAL, KOBELCO, HITACHI, Roadheader, Shield machine.
Since the development of gear pump completely replace imported products

Shanghai Lingong Hydraulic co., Ltd. deals in diversified construction machinery products, such as hydraulic pumps, gear pumps, motors, low disk parts and so on.
Professional maintenance, testing, sales: all kinds of hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motors, valves and other large crawler crane, ship, front crane, stacker, large pile cleaning machine, paver, grader, loader, hydraulic accessories and control system components on the dock. Help users to solve the coagulation difficulties of hydraulic control system.
1.公称压力16-20/20-25/25-35 bar
3.传动轴符合 ISO 或 SAE 要求
The gear pump designed by Lin Gong Hydraulic Co., LTD is introduced as follows:
1. Nominal pressure 16-20/20-25/25-35 bar
2. Using plain bearing, suitable for heavy load applications
3. Drive shaft meets ISO or SAE requirements
4. Can realize the combination of multiple pumps
5. Pipeline oil port: use connecting flange or internal thread
6. Achieve continuous high quality through mass production
7. Can provide a variety of configuration variations
Car owners please consult before placing an order. In all walks of life, many products look the same but have different qualities.



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