≥ 1个¥70.00
Hi!大家好,象山安利代理、安利产品购买,象山配送到家,看上面电话联络!薇.信电话同号:I58 5763 O627
象山安利纽崔莱雅姿会员卡 就先分享到这儿啦,下次分享一下雅姿的其他产品,每款都很赞!去脂肪粒,疏通毛孔里的垃圾,直接涂抹在脸上,2分钟后用化妆棉擦掉洗掉在卸一次,连续用三次的效果比用一次要好得多,再使用洗面奶洗2次,自动疏通毛孔和肌肤代谢,无需给力!
The cleansing power of Amway Moisturizing Cleansing Milk, I applied a few makeup products that I often use every day on my back, and then gently massage the back of my hands with a proper amount of elegant soft cleansing milk. As you can see from the pictures I took, the makeup on the back of the hand has been fully dissolved during my application, and then a little bit of cotton with a cotton pad, the traces of the makeup disappeared without a trace!