≥ 100米¥100.00
tarting with a single wire drawing machine in June 1961, the company has grown into a multi-million dollar operation supplying specialty wire and ribbons worldwide. California Fine Wire Co.manufactures fine and ultra fine wire in round and flat shapes. Services include enameling, PTFE and ceramic coating, plating, stranding, cutting and straightening. Alloys processed include precious metals, stainless steels, copper, resistance alloys, refractory alloys, and many others.
Maintaining the highest quality is of the utmost importance for the demanding and critical applications in which our products are employed. It is for this reason that California Fine Wire obtained and maintains ISO Certification. California Fine Wire has an aggressive quality assurance program and a highly trained and dedicated staff to implement quality initiatives to ensure that only the highest quality wire products are shipped to our customers.
California Fine Wire\'s highly skilled employees manufacture wire to detailed customer, industry, and internal specifications. Experience is a critical success factor for the manufacture of ultra fine wire, and California Fine Wire employees typically have decades of experience. High quality raw material is another critical component to be able to manufacture fine sizes. Thus only approved vendors that meet or exceed industry and California Fine Wire specifications are used.
Here is a list of some of the types of wire CFW produces:
Precious Metals, Semiconductor Bonding Wire and Ribbon
Copper, Copper Alloys, Composite Metals (clad)
Nickel, Nickel Alloys, Resistance Wire, Potentiometer Alloys
Aluminum & Alloys, Low Thermal Expansion (Glass Sealing Alloys)
Thermocouple Wires, RTD Wire, High Temperature (ceramic insulated)
Stainless Steel, Music Wire, Fuse Wire, Fine Wire, and Ribbon
Refractory Metals and Alloys
California Fine Wire has provided wire going to the moon and beyond and has customers on every continent and in almost every industry and area of research.
Our founder, Michael A. Greenelsh, once said \"It is especially rewarding to supply wire for medical research; and for neurological, cardiovascular, and many other medical applications. Ultra fine wire is our area of expertise. However, our real specialty is fulfilling our customers\' specific needs.\"
If you have a wire requirement, no matter how small or how unusual, let us try. This
\"No matter how small or how unusual your wire requirement is, we will build a prototype for you.\"
Click Here to Learn More About...Custom Wires & Wire Materials
To Mars and beyond, California Fine Wire offers a wide variety of metal and alloy wire products. For decades, we\'ve custom manufactured wire according to industry standards or specific customer requirements. California Fine Wire helps customers meet their prototype and production needs in almost every industry and area of research.
Our products help doctors save lives, help engineers build safer products, help astronauts explore planets, and help scientists understand the universe. All since 1961.
1 ALUMINUM 1% SILICON 15.2 657
2 ALUMINUM 1199 15.97 660 Al99.99%
3 ALUMINUM EC 1350 16.83 657 Al99.45%
4 ALUMINUM 2024 20.25 638 Al93.84%Cu4.5%Mg1.5%Mn0.16%
5 ALUMINUM 3003 20.25 634 Al98.8%Mn1.2%
6 ALUMINUM 4043 25 632 Al94.75%Si5.25%
7 ALUMINUM 5005 19.95 652 Al99.2%Mn0.8%
8 ALUMINUM 5052 10.23 649 Al97.25%Cr0.25%Mn2.5%
9 ALUMINUM 5056 35.79 638 Al94.6%Cr0.1%Mg0.1%Mn0.1%
10 ALUMINUM 6061 23.04 649 Al97.9%Cr0.25%Cu0.25%Mg1%Si0.6%
1 ALLOY 725 94.3 1060 Cu88.2%Ni9.5%Sn2.3%
2 BE COPPER ALLOY 10 CDA 175 22.8 1029 Be0.55%Co2.55%Cu96.9%
3 BE COPPER ALLOY 25 CDA 172 46.2 865 Be1.8%Cu98.1%
4 BE COPPER CDA 17410 36.9 1025 Be0.3%Co0.5%Cu99%
5 BRASS FREE-CUT CDA 360 39.9 885 Cu61.5%Pb3.1%Zn35.4%
6 BRASS 7030 CDA 230 37 915 Cu70%Zn30%
7 BRASS GILDING CDA 210 18.5 1050 Cu95%Zn5%
8 CADMIUM COPPER CDA 162 11.5 1030 Cd1%Cu99%
9 COMMERCIAL BRONZE 90% CDA 220 23.6 Cu90%Zn10%
10 COPPER 27% NICKEL CLAD 14 1100 Cu99.9%Ni99%
11 COPPER 99.95% CDA 102 OF 10.3 1083 Cu99.5%min
12 COPPER 99.99% CDA 101 10.3 1083 Cu99.99%min
13 COPPER ETP MAGNET WIRE 10.3 Cu99.9%min
14 COPPER NICKEL 20% 160 1150 Cu79%Ni21%
15 COPPER ZIRCONIUM CDA 150 11.2 980 Cu99.85%Zr0.15%
16 CUPRO NICKEL 70-30 225 1170 Cu69.5%Fe0.5%Ni30%
17 LOW BRASS CDA 240 32.4 965 Cu80%Zn20%
18 NICKEL SILVER CDA 752 173 1070 Cu65%Ni18%Zn17%
19 NICKEL SILVER CDA 757 130 1040 Cu65%Ni12%Zn23%
20 NICKEL SILVER CDA 764 189 1020 Cu60%Ni18%Zn22%
21 PD-135 11.3 1080 Cd1%maxCr1%maxCu99%min
22 PH BRONZE 5% CDA 510 A 69.1 950 Cu94.8%P0.2%Sn5%
23 PH BRONZE 8% CDA 521 C 79.8 880 Cu92%P0.16%Sn8%
24 PH BRONZE 10% CDA 524 D 94.3 845 Cu90%Sn10%
1 ALLOY 99 48 1450 Ni99.8%min
2 DURANICKEL 301 255 1450 Al4%-4.75%Ni93%Ti0.25%-1%
3 MONEL 400 290 1350 Cu32.5%Fe2.5%Mn2%Ni63%
4 MONEL 404 319 1299 Cu43%-48%Ni52%-57%
5 Monel K 500 370 Al2.3%-3.15%Cu23.35%-34.5%Fe2%maxMn1.5%maxNi63%-70%
6 NICKEL 205 50 1450 Ni99.45%min
7 NICKEL 211 102 1430 Mn4.75%Ni93.7%
8 NICKEL 220 45 1450
9 NICKEL 270 45 1450 Ni99.97%min
10 NICKEL A/200 48 1450 Ni99%min
Precious Metal
1 ALLOY 20-245 245
2 ALLOY 406 75
3 ALLOY 411 37.0009 Ag89%Pd11%
4 ALLOY 417 57
5 ALLOY 422 180 1880
6 ALLOY 443 80
7 ALLOY 446 190
8 ALLOY 486 610 1700
9 GOLD 99.99% BE MOD 12.6 1063 Au99.99%min
10 GOLD 99.99% 14.14 1063 Au99.99%min
11 PALLADIUM 60 1554 Pd99%min
12 PLATINUM 8% TUNGSTEN 400 1870 Pt92%W8%
13 PLATINUM 10% IRIDIUM 150 1775 Ir10%Pt90%
14 PLATINUM 10% RHODIUM 111 1850 Pt90%Rh10%
15 PLATINUM 20% IRIDIUM 186 1840 Ir20%Pt80%
16 PLATINUM 20% RHODIUM 125 1900 Pt80%Rh20%
17 PLATINUM PURE TC GRADE 64 1773 Pt99.99%min
18 RHODIUM 99.8% 30 1960 Rh99.8%min
19 SILVER 99.99% 8.8 960 Ag99.99%
Resistance Wire
1 MANGANIN 230 SHUNT 230 1020 Cu84%Mn12%Ni4%
2 MANGANIN 290 290 1020 Cu84%Mn12%Ni4%
3 NICKEL ALLOY 30 30 1100 Cu98%Ni4%
4 NICKEL ALLOY 60 60 1100 Cu94%Ni6%
5 NICKEL ALLOY 90 90 1100 Cu90%Ni10%
6 NICKEL ALLOY 120 120 1425 Fe30%Ni70%
7 NICKEL ALLOY 180 180 1100 Cu78%Ni22%
8 NICO 294 1210 Cu55%Ni45%
9 NIFE 5200 120 1425 Fe30%Ni70%
10 STABLOHM 610 (TOPHET D) 610 1300 Cr20%Fe45%Ni35%
11 STABLOHM 650 650 1395 Cr20%Ni80%Si1%-2%
12 STABLOHM 675 675 1350 Cr16%Fe34%Ni60%
13 STABLOHM 710 710 1377 Cr30%Ni70%
14 STABLOHM 750 750 1510 Al4%Cr15%Fe81%
15 STABLOHM 800 A 800 1395 Al2.5%Cr20%Cu2.5%Ni75%
16 STABLOHM 812 812 1510 Al4.5%Cr21%Fe74.5%
17 STABLOHM 875 875 1520 Al5.5%Cr22.5%Fe72%
Stainless Steel
1 STAINLESS STEEL 302 420 1399
2 STAINLESS STEEL 304 420 1399
3 STAINLESS STEEL 305 420 1399
4 STAINLESS STEEL 308 455 1399
5 STAINLESS STEEL 309 170 1399
6 STAINLESS STEEL 310 520 1399
7 STAINLESS STEEL 316 470 1371
8 STAINLESS STEEL 316L 445 1399
9 STAINLESS STEEL 347 470 1399
10 STAINLESS STEEL 430 360 1427
Glass Sealing Alloy
1 Alloy 36 495 1427 Fe64%,Ni36%
2 Alloy 42 430 1427 Fe59%,Ni41%
3 Alloy 42-6 570 Cr6%,Fe52%,Ni42%
4 Alloy 52 258 1426 Fe50%,Ni50%
5 Dumet 58 Cu99.9%
6 Kovar 294 1450 Co17%,Fe54%,Ni29%
Refractory Metals
7 Molybdenum 31 2610 Mo99.9%
8 Tantalum R05200 74.6 2890 Ta99.96%
9 Tantalum R05400 81.2 2890 Ta99.96%
10 Tantalum 81.2 2890 Ta99.96%
11 Titanium 99% 252 1660 Ti99%
12 Tungsten 99.95% CS 33 3420 W99.95%
Special Application
13 Inconel 600 620 1354 Cr17%,Fe10%,Ni72%
14 NI SPAN C ALLOY 902 611 1455 Cr5.75%,Fe51.9%,Ni43%,Si1%,Ti2.75%
15 Steel Copper Clad 40% Cond 25.9 Cu99.99%
16 Zinc 99.95% 35.58 419 Zn99.5%
17 Zirconium 99.% 240 Zr99.9%
Spring Wire
18 Elgiloy 599 1427 Co40%,Cr20%,Fe18%
19 Inconel 625 776 1288 Cr23%,Mo10%,Nb4.15%,Ni4.15%,Ta4.15%
20 Inconel 718 751 704 Cr17%,Fe8%,Mn2.5%,Ni63.25%,Ti3%
21 Inconel x750 731 816 Cr17%,Mn1%,Nb1.2%,Ni70%Ta1.2%,Ti2.75%
Thermocouple Wire
22 Alumel TC Type K STD 177 1400 Al2%,Mn2%,Ni95%
23 Chromel P TC Type E STD 425 1427 Cr10%,Ni90%
24 Chromel P TC Type K STD 425 1430 Cr10%,Ni90%
25 Constantan TC Type E STD 294 1221 Cu55%,Ni45%
26 Constantan TC Type J STD 294 1221 Cu55%,Ni45%
27 Constantan TC Type T STD 294 Cu55%,Ni45%
28 Copper TC Type T STD 10.3 Cu99.99%
29 Iron TC Type J SPL 75 1496 Fe99%