≥ 1台¥3850.00
主要用于平面磨床工作时产生的金属粉尘、砂轮废屑、金属与砂轮混合粉尘的收集与吸咐,确保工作环境的清洁,从而预防 “职业病”的发生。磨床吸尘机 / 磨床粉尘收集器 / 磨床粉尘回收器主要结构:抽尘风机(选自全风透浦式中压离心风机,低噪音、低震动,全铝材质)
工作原理:依靠磨床集尘器鼓风机大吸力的特性,加装隔离装置,通过管道将鼓风机与磨床工作平台相连,靠吸力吸附粉尘或碎屑,当通过隔离装置的精密型过滤器过滤处理后,粉尘就会被收集到过滤集尘柜,另一出风口就会排出清新的空气 !
Through the suction tube suction box, into the filter cylinder filter, dust particles are blocked by the filter cylinder to stay on the surface, the purified gas discharged by the air outlet, can be used for single or multiple dust collection dust removal points strong suction, large dust storage volume, long service life, high temperature resistance and other advantages, 3μm dust filtering efficiency of 99.9%.
采用立式垂直组合结构,推拉抽屉式储尘、滤筒除式尘、脉冲喷吹清灰、抽风口等构成,用经济的方式达到 99.5%的集尘效果,模块式组合设计,可根据用户空间确定,集尘器的功率从0.75千瓦至22千瓦不等,配备二级过滤系统,应用的柱塞爆炸反清洗系统,使反清洗优化,多种多样的滤材,可适用于多种烟尘的收集。
多功能工业集尘机对比重较大的砂尘,如车床、磨床、铣床、砂轮机、抛光机等,于粉尘量很大的漂浮、悬浮粉尘的收集与治理,中等比重的粉尘,如水泥、陶瓷粉、石膏粉、石棉粉、炭粉、颜料、胶木粉、塑料粉等。以及比重较轻的非纤维性粉尘均有良好的除尘效果,该机除尘效率大于 99.5%。稳定并可连续24小时工作;机器具有漏电,缺相、过热及过载保护装置。Dust can be centrally treated, no secondary pollution, no diffusion, seiko, only for quality, system stability, safety and reliability, convenient management, no secondary pollution of the treatment technology, can be recycled dust, save the company"s cost.
特的台式设计非常 *,内置式除尘系统,风机隔声,无须管道连接,清洁后的空气可在室内循环排放,减少了能源开支。这种工作台既能有效捕捉细小悬浮尘埃而又不干涉工人的移动和视野,它是中、小型精细加工、不规则部件的理想选择。它可与的烟尘净化器连接,又可与激光切割系统连接。The power part of the host machine generally uses 380V power electricity as a power source. At present, most manufacturers of filter elements add more folding number and increase folding depth to improve the filter area. One machine can be equipped with more than one suction outlet. Suitable for chemical, electronic and other industries.