Advanced software 控制系统软件完全自主研发,可任意根据具体需求,增加相应功能模块。自主开发的3D打印软件的核心切片程序,是目前国内的自主研发产品。切片精度高并实现断电续打、模拟打印等技术,切片参数可以根据需要设置,为打印,高要求的实体模型提供了保障,完全实现项目私人定制。
The control system software is developed independently, and the corresponding function modules can be added arbitrarily according to the specific requirements. Self-developed 3D printing software core slicing program, is currently the only independent research and development products. The slicing precision is high, and the power failure continued playing, analog printing, etc., and the slice parameters can be set according to the requirements. The utility model provides the guarantee for printing the high-quality and high requirement entity model, and realizes the project private customization completely.
Advanced equipment 机械部分集成化,模块化,自动化程度高,采用的材料轻便,利于安装和运输,适用于各种复杂地形。采用光纤传输信号,抗干扰性强,稳定性能高,打印精度高,节约建筑成本。实现双喷头打印技术,快速整体成型。
The mechanical parts are integrated, modularized and highly automated, and the materials adopted are light and convenient for installation and transportation, and are suitable for various complicated terrains. Adopting optical fiber to transmit signals has the advantages of strong anti-interference, high stability, high printing precision, and saving construction cost. Realize double nozzle printing technology, efficient, fast, integral molding.
Advanced printing material 自主研发的新型普通环保材料,材料特点快速凝干、硬度高、价格低。
Independent research and development of a new type of ordinary environmental protection materials, material characteristics, fast drying, high hardness, low prices.
Advanced support material 同步凝干,便于去除,支撑材料可重复回收利用。
Synchronous drying is easy to remove and the supporting material can be recycled.