≥ 1台¥78600.00
1.1.6 良好接地
为了确保控制系统正常工作、提高系统可靠性、操作者人身安全,控制系统的所有部 分均应良好接地。系统的地线应线径不小于 4 平方毫米,且尽量缩短与入地端的距离。
直流 24V 的地端(负端)须与大地断开。
1.1.7 系统的防护
保持控制系统与外部环境的隔离,以避免由于灰尘、粉尘、金属粉尘等杂物进入控制系统 内部而造成控制系统工作不正常、系统部件损坏、降低系统寿命等。
应防护好控制系统的液晶屏幕(易碎品):使其远离尖锐物体;避免空中的物体撞到屏幕上 ; 不能用手指在屏幕上指点、比划、敲打;当屏幕有灰尘需要清洁时,应·用柔软的纸巾或棉布轻 轻擦除。
1.1.8 其它事项
系统可使用 u 盘,但 u 盘不在标准配置中,需用户自备。
系统的各种联接电缆、电线不在标准配置中,用户需要时应提前说明。 产品配套“使用操作说明书”提供一本。
1.2 控制系统的启动与关机
1.2.1 控制系统的启动
1.2. 2 控制系统的关机
数控钢筋弯箍机操作完成后,需关闭控制系统时,应按先关闭驱动器的电源,然后再关闭控制系统的电源 , 避免干扰造成的电机误动作。
1.1.6 Good grounding
In order to ensure the normal operation of the control system, improve system reliability, and ensure the personal safety of the operator, all parts of the control system should be well grounded.
The ground wire of the system should ensure that the wire diameter is not less than 4 square millimeters, and the distance to the ground terminal should be shortened as much as possible.
The ground terminal (negative terminal) of DC 24V must be disconnected from the ground.
1.1.7 System protection
Keep the control system isolated from the external environment to prevent dust, dust, metal dust and other debris from entering the control system, which may cause the control system to work abnormally, damage system components, and reduce system life.
The LCD screen (fragile) of the control system should be protected: keep it away from sharp objects; prevent objects in the air from hitting the screen; do not use your fingers to point, gesture, or tap on the screen; when the screen is dusty and needs to be cleaned, ·Use a soft paper towel or cotton cloth to wipe gently.
1.1.8 Other matters
The system can use a USB flash drive, but the USB flash drive is not in the standard configuration and needs to be prepared by the user.
The various connecting cables and wires of the system are not in the standard configuration, and the user should explain in advance when needed. Only one copy of the "Operation Manual" is provided for free.
System damage caused by non-compliance with safety instructions is not covered by the warranty.
1.2 Startup and shutdown of the control system
The control system is the core of the machine tool numerical control system, and the use of the system should be carried out in accordance with the operating requirements of the system.
1.2.1 Start of control system
When the system power is turned on, the system automatically boots into the startup screen of the control system software. Then turn on the power supply of the drive.
Do not frequently open or cut off the system power supply, otherwise the control system or switching power supply may be damaged.
1. 2. 2 Shutdown of control system
After the operation is completed, when you need to turn off the control system, you should turn off the power of the drive first, and then turn off the power of the control system to avoid motor malfunction caused by interference.