Compact size easily fit in optical paths
Faraday isolator with high isolation
High transmission with low loss
High laser through out power and high laser damage resistant, please contact CrystaLaser for detail
Isolators with high power handling option provide input and output rejecting beam exits. Rejecting beam Exits (E) should be selected if forward laser >10 W or rejected laser power >1W or 0.1J/cm2 at 10ns. The I-1064-05E isolator can handle power 100W, 25kW/cm2, 10J/cm2 at 1064nm 10ns
Dual-stage otical isolators provide double isolation up to 60dB
Compact Broadband and Wide Band Optical Isolators is available from 390nm to 1200nm. The isolation spectrum bandwidth is expanded 5X to 10X wider than that for standard optical isolators
Compact Faraday Rotator provides customer required rotation angle with high transmission of 98% to 99.8%