

及时发货 交易保障 卖家承担邮费


Social Compliance 质量文件清单
1. Employee name list, Personal file for all employees, Labor contract to all employees 员工花名册,所有员工的人事档案(附有身份证复印件)和劳动合同,
2. Health examination report and registration for workers between 16 to 18 years old 16-18 岁未成年工体检报告及上岗证/登记
3. Non-discrimination policy 反歧视政策
4. Child labor management procedure 童工管理政策
5. No Forced labor policy 反对强迫劳工及囚工政策
6. Policy for wage, benefits and working hours. 工资,福利,工作时间政策
7. Factory rules and regulations 工厂厂规厂纪
8. Payroll records and production records for past 12 months 近一年的工资 / 生产记录
9. Time card / attendance record 工时卡/考勤记
10. Piece rate worker production record/ Piece rate wages calculation record 计件工生产记录及计件工资计算记录
11. Bank transfer records 工资银行转账记录
12. Resignation letter / record , rewards and punishment record, annual leave records, maternity leave records and sick leave records 离职信/记录,奖惩记录, 年假记录,产假记录和病假记录
13. Discharge permit (for sewage, waste water, air emission, open burning etc.) 废气/废物/废水等的排污许可证明
14.Trade union representative election procedure, work union responsibilities and work union meeting minutes 工会代表选举程序,工会职责,工会组织会议记录
15. EHS policy 环境健康安全政策文件
16. Qualification for safety supervisor 安全主任证书
17. Operator’s license for special type of work (forklift, elevator, electrician, etc) 特殊工种人员操作证
18. Special equipment permit / certificate 特殊设备许可证明
19. First aider certificates 急救员证书
20. On-job EHS training records 员工岗前 EHS 培训记录
21. Risk assessment for work station records 岗位风险评估
22. Fire drill records (records for the past one year)过去一年的消防逃生演习
23. Hazardous inventory / waster inventory 危险物库存清单/废弃物库存清单
24. Discharge permit (for sewage, waste water, air emission, open burning etc.) 废气/废物/废水等的排污许可证明
25. Dormitory rules and regulations 宿舍纪律规则
26. Kitchen / canteen hygiene certificate 厨房/餐厅卫生许可证
27. Kitchen / canteen worker’s health certificate 厨房/餐厅人员健康证

C-TPAT policy 反恐文件清单
2. Security guard duties and responsibility 保安的职责手册
3. Employee training manual and records 员工反恐培训记录
4. Background /reference check records 员工背景调查记录
5. Report of internal C-TPAT audit; C-TPAT 自审评估
6. Manual to address internal conspiracies 识别内部阴谋的程序文件
7. Procedures for challenging unauthorized / unidentified entry and exit 未授权人士的进出控制程序文件
8. Visitor’s log book 访客记录
9. Incoming vehicle registration log and vehicle release slip 车辆进出进出登记记录
10. Security guard patrol log 保安巡查记录
11. Loading and unloading security procedures 上落货程序
12. Packing List 装箱单
13. Container inspection and loading procedures 货柜检查管理程序
14. Procedure to handle if any containers be damaged or in poor condition or contain unknown material 出现货柜有损坏或者装有不明材料的情况处理程序文件
15. Container inspection records  货柜检查记录
16. Security seal handling and storage procedures 封条使用管理程序
17. Seal registration records 封条使用登记记录
18. Policy to track of overages and shortages and document these
19. Procedure for handling container documentation and shipping Documents 建立处理货柜及出货文件的书面文件
20. Procedure and records to certify the trucking companies 审核



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