≥ 1台¥3850.00
The physical and chemical properties of dusty gas, such as temperature, moisture content, chemical composition and properties, shall be clarified. The determination of these parameters is directly or indirectly related to the additional treatment measures of dust removal and the selection of filtration wind speed.
主机动力部分一般都采用 380v动力电作为动力源:大多数的工业吸尘器的动力部分均选择380V的工业动力电源来强大的动力。工业吸尘机配置的380V工业电机基本上均可24小时连续工作同时坚固。
集尘器 设计方面选择配置各种不同的材质过滤 ,和各种不同的过滤结构及方式,例如HEPA过滤器 (低可达到0.01—0.3UM等)或者添加旋风分离器(用于固液分离)提高过滤效果,商用和家用吸尘机菂过滤效果不可同日而语。
集尘器 容缸部分比其他吸尘器容量大:
工业吸尘器菂容缸普遍大于商用及家用吸尘机,且考虑到大容量垃圾污物菂清理工业吸尘器设计菂容缸移动和倾倒均很方便。或者根据情况菂不同配备不同菂垃圾箱或者是回收箱,以解决工业吸尘领域菂回收问题.常见菂是前置器的介入,可以加大容量, 分离不同材质的回收物, 可以弥补不同设计的工业吸尘机的一些不足之处。
Can be customized with electronic pulse counter-blowing dust device, through compressed air from the solenoid valve exhaust port instant blowing, forming a strong airflow, will cover the surface of the dust filter blowing back to the collection box; Backblowing interval time and backblowing cycle can be set for automatic backblowing of the filter cartridge.
The power part of the host generally uses 380V power electricity as power source: most of the power part of the industrial vacuum cleaner choose 380V industrial power supply to ensure strong power. The 380V industrial motor equipped with industrial vacuum cleaner can work continuously for 24 hours and is durable.
性能及特点 :
主机动力部分一般都采用 380v电作为动力源:大多数的工业吸尘器的动力部分均选择380V的工业动力电源来其强大的动力。工业吸尘器配置的380V工业电机基本上均可24小时连续工作。吸尘器配置主机本款工业吸尘机依靠中压鼓风机大吸力的特性,加装隔离装置,通过管道将鼓风机与磨床工作平台相连,靠吸力吸附粉尘或碎屑,当通过隔离装置的细筛网过滤处理后,粉尘就会被收集到过滤集尘柜,另一出风口就会排出清新的空气! 中国台湾全风集团大陆工厂是一家生产高、中、低压鼓风机及各种工业吸尘器的高新企业。机壳、叶轮选用高纯度铝合金,采用的(一体压铸)压铸而成,其产品特点:高密度、轻量化、耐高温、使用寿命周期长。
The vertical combined structure is adopted, which is composed of push-pull drawer type dust storage, filter cartridge dust removal, pulse jet dust removal and air outlet. The dust collection effect is 99.5% in an economic way. The modular combined design can be determined according to the user space. The power of the dust collector ranges from 0.75 kW to 22 kW. It is equipped with a secondary filtration system. The advanced plunger explosion back cleaning system is applied to optimize the back cleaning and a variety of filter materials, It can be applied to the collection of various smoke and dust.