≥ 1台¥3850.00
采用立式垂直组合结构,推拉抽屉式储尘、滤筒除式尘、脉冲喷吹清灰、抽风口等构成,用经济的方式达到 99.5% 的集尘效果,模块式组合设计 , 可根据用户空间确定,集尘器的功率从 0.75 千瓦至 22 千瓦不等,配备二级过滤系统,应用的柱塞爆炸反清洗系统 , 使反清洗优化,多种多样的滤材 , 可适用于多种烟尘的收集多功能工业集尘机对比重较大的砂尘,如车床、磨床、铣床、砂轮机、抛光机等,于粉尘量很大的漂浮、悬浮粉尘的收集与治理,中等比重的粉尘,如水泥、陶瓷粉、石膏粉、石棉粉、炭粉、颜料、胶木粉、塑料粉等。以及比重较轻的非纤维性粉尘均有良好的除尘效果,该机除尘效率大于 99.5% 。稳定并可连续 24 小时工作;机器具有漏电,缺相、过热及过载保护装置。
There are two general categories: mobile and stationary. Most of the power part of industrial vacuum cleaners choose 380V industrial power supply to ensure strong power, industrial vacuum cleaners are different from commercial and household vacuum cleaners, which has its own characteristics. Machining industry: supporting machine tools, grinding machines, synchronous absorption of all kinds of metal iron filings.
High efficiency dust removal and environmental protection centrifugal fan, the filter cylinder adopts vertical assembly structure, the removal of the filter cylinder is very convenient; For general dust, the filter cartridge can be used for a long time without replacement, compact structure, strong suction, large air volume, high efficiency, low noise.
工业吸尘器风机采用 380V高负压旋涡风机,外壳和枫叶均采用铝合金材质压铸成型。叶轮为L行设计可以增加它的真空度和风量,术语来理解的话就是真空度就是压力大可以吸取重颗粒物的垃圾,风量大就是吸尘速度快工作效率的意思。风机的转子和垫子矽钢片采用纯铜线制作非常,配有NSK耐高温轴承和单的风冷式排热风扇,风机在运转时可以同时启动排热风扇保持风机一直在常温下进行作业。无油,无碳刷免维护设计可以长时间不停机运行不会高温使用时间更久。According to the dust characteristics, the filter cartridges with different high-efficiency filter materials can be selected, and the advanced compressed air automatic timing pulse ash cleaning can ensure the continuous low resistance operation of the dust collector. The filter adopts the vertical installation mode, and the back blowing effect is more effective than other installation modes.