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当你看到的都是真的时,以前就没有再拍过照片了。 我上传的图片也是模型供客户选择。 下单前请联系客服。 我们有实体店和网上商店。 有时产品会发生变化,价格是虚拟的。 感谢您的支持。
When what you see is true, no more pictures have been taken before. The pictures I uploaded are also models for customers to choose from. Please contact customer service before placing an order. We have physical stores and online stores. Sometimes the products change and the prices are virtual. Thank you for your support.
The company introduced the use of the most advanced manufacturing equipment at home and abroad to produce gear pumps, strict production and design of various types of gear pumps, and strive to cooperate with strict quality requirements, timely improve after-sales service to create a forest hydraulic brand LG.

川崎,东芝,林德,卡特彼勒,力士乐, UCHDA 齿轮泵,福伊特内啮合齿轮, IHI ,KYB,斯达夫,赫格隆等。
Online peer competition is too fierce; So let's just label a symbolic. If you are interested in our products, please call, write or come to me to negotiate business or get a quotation, I will give you a written quotation in time, convenient for your memory. I will treat each of my transactions seriously and make you feel satisfied with my heart. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Kawasaki, Toshiba, Linde, Caterpillar, Rexroth, UCHDA gear pump, VOITH gear pump, IHI, KYB, Staffa,HAGGLUNDS etc.
Five star motor, hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, gear pump welcome to consult Whatsapp+86-

Lingong Hydraulic co., Ltd. specializes in the sales of hydraulic pumps, gear pumps, motors, chassis parts and engines. With a history of more than 30 years in Shanghai, we have a full set of testing equipment to calibrate hydraulic pumps and motors.
But also painstakingly study the multi-pump 2-5 pump, get the trust and support of the majority of users, further development down, thank you for the support of the boss.
The company adopts the characteristics of gear pump: simple and compact structure, small volume, cheap price, strong self-suction, impact load resistance, reliable work and other advantages, designed into a heavy shovel gear pump.

主营:柱塞泵马达,叶片泵 四轮一带,液压泵,齿轮泵
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