

及时发货 交易保障 卖家承担邮费




In May 1911, the corrupt Qing government, in the name of nationalization of railways, granted the right to build roads in Sichuan, Han and Guangdong provinces to the banks of Britain, France, Germany and the United States, which aroused the opposition of people all over the country. The response of Sichuan Province was particularly strong. Hundreds of thousands of people joined the Comrade Army of Road Protection. The army of road protection surrounded Chengdu. Zhao Erfeng could not control the situation in Sichuan, so he had to hand over the regime to Pu Dianjun, the leader of Sichuan Road Protection Movement and other constitutionalists. Therefore, Sichuan Province also declared its independence, established the "Sichuan Military Government of the Great Han Dynasty" and took over the Chengdu Mint Branch. In order to expand military supplies, this "Han" silver coin was minted and issued.

These currencies, initially to raise military salaries and maintain government spending, have become regional currencies. Therefore, military government currency has dual functions of military currency and civil currency. The one-yuan silver coin made by the military government in Sichuan represents the monetary culture of modern China, reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance, and has high artistic appreciation and cultural relic value.

鉴 定 方 法







1. Listening quality. The silver content is about 90% of the silver yuan, the sound after impact is low and soft, gentle and melodious; the counterfeit is either crisp and harsh, or dull and dull, the common feature is short aftertone.

2. Looking at the edges of the teeth, silver coins are machine-made coins. The edges of the teeth are made by the edge mechanism, so the outer teeth are mostly straight teeth, and the back of the face is inside teeth. The edges of the teeth feel clean and neat without any casting marks.

3. Look at the color. Silver and non-silver metals can be distinguished by their surface color. Silver luster is natural and pleasant. Silver glitters. It is difficult for cheap metals commonly used as substitutes to achieve this.

4. Looking at the specifications and weights, the real ancient silver coins have certain specifications and weights, while the forged ancient silver coins do not conform to the real ones in general size and weight.

5. Look at the face of the coin. In the sunshine or light, the silver coin face and eyes are eyeballed to observe whether the bottom of the coin face is uneven or not. The foundry equipment used by counterfeiters can hardly make the bottom of the coin surface smooth as a mirror. Special attention should be paid to the connection between the text pattern and the bottom of the coin surface.

6. Examine wear and tear. After a long period of circulation, silver will always have varying degrees of wear and scratch marks. Natural generators have no rules to follow.


成 交 价 格

四川银币-----------成交价:RMB 1,200,000---成交日期:2017-12-12

四川银币-----------成交价:RMB 1,300,000---成交日期:2018-05-24

四川银币-----------成交价:RMB 1,490,000---成交日期:2017-12-12

四川银币-----------成交价:RMB 1,580,000---成交日期:2017-11-25

四川银币-----------成交价:RMB 1,600,000---成交日期:2018-05-24

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