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阿尔及利亚Algeria国家自由销售证明格式 可免费提供填写格式
近期阿尔及利亚等国要求企业在开信用证之前,须到银行备案经贸促会认证的格式。 根据中国国际贸易促进商事认证中心要求,现将具体操作细则通知如下。
Certificate of free marketing in the country of origin and / or provenance of products exported to Algeria.
The competent authority (1):
Attests to the request of (2):.
That the product (s) (3)
relevant to sub-position (s)...............................................
manufactured by (4) :
Are in accordance with the regulations in force or with the international standards when it comes to the requirments of the safety and the protection of the consumer (5)
is (are) marketed in(6) : ..............
visa of the competent authority
(1) : identification of the authority;
(2) : name, address, and business name of the operator;
(3) : Denomination and trademarks;
(4) : Identification of the original manufacturer;
(5) : menton the regulatory and / or normative references;
(6) : country of origin and / or provenance.
该备案格式的填制要求如下:一、格式中的(2)至(6)栏都按照填制说明填写,栏目(1)授权主管机构以及右下角授权机构落款处留白,不要填写任何信息;二、企业印章一律盖在左下方空白处;三、HS CODE须根据实际出货报关的信息填写!