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广东消防箱一成型设备 消防箱箱体一次成型机 消防箱箱体成型机 消防箱自动流水线厂家

Weifang Weihua Cold Bending Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. recommends automatic production line of fire box, automatic production equipment of fire box, production line of fire box body and new production line of fire box for Weifang users.


Fire box automatic bending one-time forming production line, fire extinguisher case/cover/door plate production equipment, (Q235/stainless steel) fire box door frame (instead of aluminium alloy) automatic production line!

各行各业都在进行改革——就是用机器代替人工。全自动灭火器箱壳体生产设备、消防栓箱箱体生产设备、消防箱门框自动生产线。改变生产工艺就可以颠覆一个行业! 我们改变了加工消防箱箱体传统落后的生产工艺,改为四边一块板料加底板组成消防箱外壳。(生产工艺:自动送料、冲孔、封边、折弯、成型、一次完成),消防箱壳体高度、宽度、深度都可在人机交互界面(触摸屏)随意调整。可以满足所有规格的消防箱生产。整个生产工艺无废料,而且一个人即可操作生产,同时减少了多道折弯和冲孔,即大大节省了人工,又提高了生产效率。一台设备可以代替十几个工人的工作量。市场竞争是残酷的,不是你他们就是他们你。炜桦冷弯全自动消防箱生产线,配电箱生产设备助你的企业发展一臂之力。

All walks of life are undergoing reforms - replacing manual labor with machines. Fully automatic fire extinguisher case production equipment, fire hydrant box production equipment, fire box door frame automatic production line. Changing the production process can subvert an industry! We have changed the traditional backward production process of processing fire box body, and changed it into a four-sided sheet with a floor to form a fire box shell. (Production process: automatic feeding, punching, edge sealing, bending, forming, one-time completion), the height, width and depth of the fire box shell can be adjusted at will in the human-computer interaction interface (touch screen). Can meet all specifications of fire box production. The whole production process has no waste, and one person can operate the production, while reducing the number of bending and punching, which greatly saves labor and improves production efficiency. One device can replace the workload of more than a dozen workers. Competition in the market is cruel, not that you are ahead of them, they are ahead of you. Weibi cold bending automatic fire box production line, distribution box production equipment to help your business development.


Our company is a school enterprise of Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology, relying on the strong design and research ability of colleges and universities, combining with international advanced design concepts, independently design and produce fire box shell equipment, automatic production line of distribution box, one-time forming equipment of distribution box, multi-media hub box forming equipment, stainless steel meter box production line, power box forming equipment and so on.


Fire box shell production equipment, fire extinguisher box forming equipment, production of fire extinguisher box door plate, cover plate automatic bending production line process:


The feeder-leveler-servo feeder-punching part-fixed length cutting part-forming part-automatic bending-receiving table, robot automatic welding, electrical control cabinet and other components are composed.


Fire extinguisher box automatic bending one-time forming production equipment, main parameters of automatic production line of fire extinguisher box:

材料规格:1、Q235 (钢卷) 2、不锈钢带

Material specification: 1, Q235 (coil) 2, stainless steel strip

钢带厚度:1.2 mm 

Strip thickness: 1.2 mm


Width of steel band: <300mm


Production speed: about 100 boxes per hour


Total motor power: 20 kW


Cut-off mode: hydraulic cut-off


Electrical control: PLC


Driving motor: variable frequency motor drive

气 源:0.5m³/Min;压力为0.7MPa

Gas source: 0.5m_/Min; pressure 0.7MPa

电压参数:380V/415V,50Hz, 3相

Voltage parameters: 380V/415V, 50Hz, 3-phase

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