≥ 1台¥3850.00
工业吸尘器 高压吸尘器 柜式集尘机 脉冲集尘器 目前已广泛应于各工业部门。近年来,随着国民经济的发展以及愈来愈严格的环境保护要求, 中压 除尘器在产量上有了相当大的增长,品种也日渐增多。因此,在设计工作中合理地选定布袋除尘器的基本参数,正确地进行除尘系统设计,不仅对于控制污染、保护环境有重要作用,而且对于提高设备处理含尘气体的能力,降低设备投资从而减少工程造价,也具有极重要的经济意义。
As an efficient dust removal equipment, it has been widely used in various industrial sectors. In recent years, with the development of national economy and more and more strict environmental protection requirements, the output of high pressure precipitator has a considerable increase, and the varieties are increasing day by day.
吸尘器其实是很简单的机器设备,工业吸尘器大量应用于纺织、化工、机械、医药、铸造等各个领域,主要有一个漩涡气泵或风机进行抽风,杂物经吸嘴和吸尘管进去机器后,入一个过滤布袋,一般是无纺布的,经过初级过滤,携有细小的灰尘的空气再经过一个特制的滤清器,经过二级风机排风口排除,脉冲除尘器主要作用是用来收集工业生产中所产生的灰尘或散状物料进行清理和收集,进行环境清扫,基本上过滤效率可达 99%以上。
PTFE coated filter material is suitable for wet dust gas, because the contact Angle between filter material and water is greater than 108 degrees, so that the wet dust attached to the surface of the filter material is not sticky filter material, easy to blow off, thus, completely solve the problem of wet dust condensation sticky material.
采用立式垂直组合结构,推拉抽屉式储尘、滤筒除式尘、脉冲喷吹清灰、抽风口等构成,用经济的方式达到 99.5% 的集尘效果,模块式组合设计 , 可根据用户空间确定,集尘器的功率从 0.75 千瓦至 22 千瓦不等,配备二级过滤系统,应用的柱塞爆炸反清洗系统 , 使反清洗优化,多种多样的滤材 , 可适用于多种烟尘的收集多功能工业集尘机对比重较大的砂尘,如车床、磨床、铣床、砂轮机、抛光机等,于粉尘量很大的漂浮、悬浮粉尘的收集与治理,中等比重的粉尘,如水泥、陶瓷粉、石膏粉、石棉粉、炭粉、颜料、胶木粉、塑料粉等。以及比重较轻的非纤维性粉尘均有良好的除尘效果,该机除尘效率大于 99.5% 。稳定并可连续 24 小时工作;机器具有漏电,缺相、过热及过载保护装置。
It is mainly used in mechanical processing, metal mold, plastic, chemical industry, ceramics, electronics, precision instruments, building materials, pharmacy, automobile manufacturing, electronics industry, shoe making, food, feed, leather, rubber, grinding, casting, boiler, incinerator, kiln industry, agriculture, asphalt mixing, cement, surface treatment, semiconductor, etc.