≥ 1台¥3850.00
脉冲集尘器 柜式脉冲集尘器加工中一般会使用铣床和磨床设备,磨床的磨削工艺加工中不可避免的会产生大量的灰尘,如金属灰、砂轮灰、砂轮颗粒、砂轮混合灰尘等等,这些粉尘如果不能够得到处理将会飘散到车间的空气中以及设备上面,工人在这种环境中工作如何能够身体的健康,如何合理的清除并收集这些灰尘,打造一个洁净的磨床工作车间是势在必行的。
工业吸尘器是工业中常用的一种环保清洁设备,工业集尘脉冲集尘器采用不同的基材制作的滤芯所应对的过滤方案也不一样, 车间吸尘器可以吸收各种金属,非金属,油,水和其他颗粒污垢和液体,可以吸收和净化有毒有害气体,可以改善纺织工业的产品质量,并且可以回收一些昂贵的催化剂。 化学工业。 ,作为一种环保设备,吸尘器可以有效地预防职业病的危害,例如焊工尘肺,制鞋厂的白血病等。
Rely on grinding dust collector is special characteristics of the large blower suction, equipped with isolation device, through pipes that connected the blower and the grinding machine work platform, by adsorption of dust or debris, super strong suction when through isolation device of the precise filter after processing, the dust will be collected filter dust ark, another outlet will be out in the fresh air!
壳体: 用钢板焊接一部分,带抽出式集尘抽屉。
密封: 为密性材料
滤袋: 用涤轮绒布制作,包括框架密封体和弹簧式内插垫
清灰机械: 电力产生高频振动由偏心联动机构传送至滤袋进行清灰
控制: 有风机和清灰民机的直接起动器和脉冲控制清灰周期用的时间继电器
风机 :与电机直联的离心式风机,风机叶轮经过动平衡
Vertical filter cartridge structure, cleaning effect is good, pulse back blowing system, filter element can be reused through cleaning, spraying method multi-angle spraying,
In some of the heavier particles, the pipe diameter and tube length should be considered. Usually there are, some main factors affecting the effects of suction can be all-weather 24 hours operation, supporting all kinds of precision machinery, work in process equipment clean clean, pipe diameter is too thick, pipe diameter, length is too long, suction fan power itself is too small, too much and grading curves receive processing is not good!