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我厂坐落于经济高速发展的河北古城——保定,紧邻107国道,京珠高速,京广铁路,京石高铁,距北京136公里,天津157公里,石家庄145公里,地处经济金三角,得天厚的地理位置为企业的发展打下了的硬件基础,往全国发货极为方便快捷。我厂遵循严谨的生产工艺,严格的质量控制体系,生产的产品质量稳定,已通过河北省质监局的鉴定,并荣获了“产品信得过单位”和“重合同守信用企业”等多项殊荣。 本厂注塑车间拥有全电脑自动注塑机数台,其中台湾产富强鑫牌注塑机可注塑7000克,香港振雄牌注塑机可注塑5000克,生产的彩砖彩瓦模盒具有密度高、光亮度高、韧性强、不易变形、破损率极低等优点。现有彩色便道砖模盒、地面砖模盒、路牙石模具、路侧石模具、花池边模具、井盖井篦子模具、树围子模具、植草砖模具、高速公路高速铁路护坡等模具及各种彩瓦脊瓦模具等上百种,各种规格一百多种花型,年生产在百万以上,产品全国各地,还可根据客户要求开发各种新型模具。 面料车间通过纳米技术,攻速球磨,磁性筛选等工艺生产的彩砖耐晒绿,经反复试验,经久耐晒,具有色彩鲜艳,不变色的优点,与铁红,铁黄等无机颜料使用方法一样简便,而且价格低廉。另我厂备有各种面料色浆。 机械车间拥有各种数控铣、镗、磨、割、车、钻、电火花等设备,可生产彩砖液压机,多功能砌块成型机,各种高速公路肩石钣金钢模具,钢纤维生产设备,混凝土检查井盖生产设备,水泥围栏护栏生产设备,人行道砖树脂地板,砌块复合托板等产品。 我厂所生产的设备投资少,见效快,可免费为您提供生产工艺,材料配方,使您可当年收回投资。我们采取灵活多样的经营体制,与全国近千家市政企业合作,为其提供新技术,设计新产品,提供新信息,与客户建立了良好的战略合作伙伴关系。我们以诚实做人、诚信做事为准则,为客户提供全程的服务为宗旨,共同发展,共创美好未来。铁路护坡砖模具 公路护坡砖模具   高速公路护坡砖模具Our factory is located in Baoding, the ancient city of Hebei Province with rapid economic development, close to national highway 107, Beijing Zhuhai Expressway, Beijing Guangzhou railway, Beijing Shijiazhuang high speed railway, 136 kilometers away from Beijing, 157 kilometers away from Tianjin, 145 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang, and located in the golden triangle of economy. Our unique geographical position has laid a high-quality hardware foundation for the development of enterprises, and it is very convenient and fast to ship goods to the whole country. Our factory follows strict production process, strict quality control system and stable product quality. It has passed the appraisal of Hebei Quality Supervision Bureau and won many honors such as "Product trustworthy unit" and "contract abiding and credit abiding enterprise". The injection workshop of our factory has several high-efficiency full-automatic injection molding machines, including 7000 g of fujiangxin injection molding machine made in Taiwan and 5000 g of Zhenxiong injection molding machine made in Hong Kong. The color brick color tile mold box produced by our factory has the advantages of high density, high brightness, strong toughness, not easy to deform and low damage rate. At present, there are more than one hundred kinds of molds, such as Color sidewalk brick mold box, ground brick mold box, curbstone mold, roadside stone mold, flower pool edge mold, manhole cover well grate mold, tree enclosure mold, grass planting brick mold, expressway high-speed railway slope protection mold and various color tile ridge tile mold, with more than one hundred kinds of flower patterns of various specifications and annual production of more than one million. The products are exported to all parts of the country and can also be sold according to customers It is required to develop all kinds of new moulds. Fabric workshop through nanotechnology, fast ball milling, magnetic screening and other advanced technology to produce the color brick sun proof green, after repeated tests, long-lasting sun proof, with bright colors, non color advantages, and iron red, iron yellow and other inorganic pigments as simple to use, and low price. In addition, we have all kinds of fabric color paste. The mechanical workshop has a variety of CNC milling, boring, grinding, cutting, turning, drilling, electric spark and other equipment, which can produce color brick hydraulic press, multi-functional block forming machine, various Expressway shoulder stone plate steel mold, steel fiber production equipment, concrete inspection well cover production equipment, cement fence guardrail production equipment, sidewalk brick resin floor, block composite pallet and other products. The equipment produced by our factory has less investment and quick effect. We can provide you with production technology and material formula free of charge, so that you can recover your investment in the same year. We have adopted a flexible and diversified business system, cooperated with nearly 1000 municipal enterprises nationwide, provided them with new technologies, designed new products, provided new information, and established a good strategic partnership with customers. We take the honest life, the good faith work as the criterion, provides the entire journey high quality service for the customer as the goal, the common development, altogether creates the bright future. Mould of railway slope protection brick mould of highway slope protection brick mould of highway slope protection brick

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