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1、 3Ds Max无图纸看图片建模与看CAD施工图纸建模相结合,符合实际工作要求 2、 3Ds Max制作各种常见室内外材质; 3、 3Ds Max室外日景、夜景、黄昏灯光
4、 Photoshop加工材质、调整明暗和色彩,室内外后期处理 5、 VRay室内外日景、夜景渲染,VRay材质原理及制作方法。 6、 P0LY多边形建模方法,科学的布线规律。室内外异形结构建模 7、SketchUp路径跟随命令的操作与应用,物体对象的群组、组件的制作与调用

With the development of landscape discipline and governance theories, "landscape governance" has become a new frontier of inter-disciplinary research, and is considered a sub-topic and extension of "environmental governance." Institution is an important factor to the development of landscape governance theory and practice. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the construction of Ecological Civilization has marked itself a new milestone for its systematic top-down design and institution-oriented efforts. At the same time, the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2013 proposed to improve the contemporary national governance system and capacity, and took governance as a new means to evaluate state capacities and state-society relations. Both of them will significantly impact landscape planning, design, protection, and management in China.
This article reviews the evolution of western landscape governance theories driven by 1) the emphasis on the spatial scale effect of landscape; 2) the exploration of the regional variety of cultural and collective identities of local landscapes; and 3) the emphasis on the practice of landscape governance. It also examines the opportunities in China's landscape governance brought by the institutional improvement of Ecological Civilization, which might help: resolve the inherent conflicts that cause the existing environmental and ecological problems; enhance China's capacity on landscape governance; establish a new land-use management system with a greater ecological security and broader ecosystem services; endow landscapes with more public benefits; cultivate a civil society and democracy in landscape governance; and, influence the education and research of Landscape Architecture in multiple dimensions. Finally, the article proposes roadmaps for China's landscape governance at both global and national scales.
Key words
Ecological Civilization; Institutional Improvement; Governance; Landscape Governance; Landscape Approach

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