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CIRS 039模体提供了一组用于进行组织刚度的定量测量的参考标准,并且与主要的超声剪切波模式兼容,包括Fibroscan的振动控制瞬态弹性成像(VCTE TM),超音速想象力的剪切波弹性成像和声学辐射力脉冲(ARFI)弹性成像。剪切波弹性成像是具有许多可能应用的新兴生物标志物,显着地用于确定患者中肝纤维化的阶段,而不需要侵入性活组织检查。
CIRS 039模体包括四个不同刚度变化的模型:3,12,27和48 kPa。根据肝纤维化各个阶段的平均组织弹性选择体模的弹性。3kPa的刚度表示健康组织的弹性,而48kPa表示具有五级肝纤维化的组织的弹性。也可根据用户要求制造幻影,定制刚度范围为1至100 kPa。

每个模型将提供杨氏模量的证明,用于测量精度+/- 4%。根据ASTM标准D575-91对批量样品测试杨氏模量,以确保的弹性。还将测量密度以允许剪切波速度的转换为剪切波模量和杨氏模量。


美国CIRS 039模体特点:
定制硬度可根据用户要求从1到100 kPa


The Shear Wave Liver Fibrosis Phantoms provide a set of reference standards for performing quantitative measurements of tissue stiffness, and is compatible with the main ultrasound shear wave modalities including Fibroscan's Vibration Controlled Transient Elastography (VCTETM), Supersonic Imagine's Shear Wave elasticity imaging, and Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography. Shear wave elasticity imaging is an emerging biomarker with many possible applications, most prominently for determining the stage of liver fibrosis in a patient without the need for invasive biopsies.1

Model 039 includes four separate phantoms of varying stiffness: 3, 12, 27, and 48 kPa. The elasticity of the phantoms was chosen based on average tissue elasticty at various stages of liver fibrosis. Stiffness of 3 kPa represents elasticity of healthy tissue, while 48 kPa represents elasticity of tissue with stage-five liver fibrosis. Phantoms can also be manufactured according to user requirements with custom stiffness ranging from 1 to 100 kPa.

Certification of Young’s modulus will be provided with each phantom for proof of measurements with a precision of +/- 4%. Young’s modulus is tested on batch samples following ASTM standard D575-91 to ensure accurate elasticity. Density will also be measured to allow accurate conversion of shear wave speed to shear wave modulus and Young’s modulus.

Model 039 comes with a carry case for easy transport and phantom set up.

Young’s modulus ranging from 3 to 48 kPa

Custom stiffness from 1 to 100 kPa available according to user requirements

Certification of Young’s modulus with each phantom
Tissue-mimicking material with accoustic properties of human liver

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