≥ 1台¥0.00
西班牙SAMMIC CK-402电动切菜机
电量:230V 1500W
特征: 2 in 1: large production veg prep machine (650 kg/h) with 8 lt. / 8 1/2 qt. cutter bowl
It consists of a variable speed motor block with a large production hopper and a 8 litre / 8 1/2 qt. food processor bowl complete with a hub with serrated blades.
As vegetable preparation machine, its lateral blade distributes products in the hopper, cutting and distributing full products like cabbage. It is supplied complete with an optional core drill for the same purpose. The hopper is equipped with a high positioned ejector disc allowing to eject a bigger product quantity.
Discs are not included*.
User-friendly, waterproof led-lit control panel.
Hopper, lid and bowl easily detachable for interchanging or cleaning.
Automatic hopper detection.
Machine and discs specially designed to obtain the perfect cut.
Adjustable speed (5 positions).
Ergonomic design.
Central blade to slice open larger food products: maximum efficiency.
Lateral shootout: needs less counter space and allows a more natural workflow (left to right).
High profile ejection disc for larger output.
Adjustable speed (10 positions), programmable by time and pulse switch.
5 qt. stainless steel food processor bowl.
Polycarbonate lid complete with scraper that allows consistent and homogeneous mixing and avoids product overheating.
Optional flat blade set for raw meat and fibrous products.
Optional perforated blade set specially designed to beat and mix.