≥ 1台¥3850.00
脉冲反吹集尘器 工作原理; 由含尘气体由风机通过吸尘管吸入箱体,进入滤袋过滤,粉尘颗粒被滤袋阻留在表面,经过过滤的净化气体由出风口排出,可直接排放在室内循环使用,也可根据需要排出室外。整个除尘过滤是一个重力,惯性力,碰撞,静电吸附,筛滤等综合效应的结果。除尘器连续工作一段时间后,滤袋面的粉尘不断增加,继而进行清灰,粉尘抖落在集尘器(抽屉)中,再由人工进行处理。
粉尘集尘器主要用于平面磨床工作时产生的金属粉尘、砂轮废屑、金属与砂轮混合粉尘的收集与吸咐,确保工作环境的清洁,从而预防 “职业病”的发生。磨床吸尘机/磨床粉尘收集器/磨床粉尘回收器主要结构:抽尘风机(选自全风透浦式中压离心风机,低噪音、低震动,全铝材质)
工作原理:依靠磨床集尘器鼓风机大吸力的特性,加装隔离装置,通过管道将鼓风机与磨床工作平台相连,靠吸力吸附粉尘或碎屑,当通过隔离装置的精密型过滤器过滤处理后,粉尘就会被收集到过滤集尘柜,另一出风口就会排出清新的空气 !
Consider product quality and performance, such as suction, working time, function, structural design, appearance, operation, maintenance and other indicators. The suction is large enough to meet the requirements of the application, and the working time can be continuous 24 hours of work, with rich functions but no operation trouble is appropriate.
cabinet body is divided into three parts of the structure, the upper part of the dust collector host, the middle part of the precision melt spray fabric bag filter dust, the lower part of the drawer type dust collection cabinet, easy to clean the dust. Reasonable design greatly save space, by the majority of industrial manufacturing and processing industry.In the suction of some heavy particles, it is necessary to consider the pipe diameter and pipe length, usually affecting the suction effect of some of the main factors are: the pipe diameter is too thick, the pipe diameter length is too long, the power of the suction fan itself is too small, the bend is connected too much and the grading is not good!
集尘器 运用高压风机的吸力是用以抽除特定密封容器(集尘桶)内的气体,使该容器获得一定真空的基本设备,灵活方便,就地集尘,就地处理,能有效地空气的洁净度 ,产品新颖、美观、实用,性能稳定,使用维修方便,除尘效率大于百分之九十九点五。
集尘器 基本结构由箱体,风机,滤袋,集尘器四部分组成,含尘气体由由风机经进风口(吸尘罩)吸入箱体,经过滤袋进行过滤,粉尘颗粒被阻溜在滤袋表面,过滤后的净化气体经出风口排出。
For some industries, such as electronics, mold manufacturing and other industries, industrial vacuum cleaner can effectively protect the environment of the production space, so effectively protect the quality of the product. Stable and durable and can work continuously for 24 hours;