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客户在使用箱式生态柜模具进行生产的时候,应该注意以下的正确方法:,箱式生态柜模具在使用之前,应该先在内壁上涂刷上一层的脱模剂或者是机油也可以,不但可以起到加快混凝土脱模的效果,还可以钢板能够与外界空气隔离;其次,模具在进行储存的时候,应该选择环境通风并且没有阳光直射的仓库,仓库内不能有任何挥发性较强的化学物质,防止对钢板造成损坏。这样在确定了模具的质量可靠以及平时在使用时方法正确,没有问题的情况下,我们使用模具至少可以达到五年以上,模具的使用寿命这时也达到了我们预期的寿命范围。我厂生产的箱式生态柜模具可能在其他多个方面还会出现影响模具使用效果的情况,但是我们还是希望模具产品能够在工程中得到比较好的使用效果,其整体的寿命能够更长,所以平时在储存和使用模具的时候一定要注意好相关的事项,从而使我们的模具产品能够在工程中周转的次数更多。Customers should pay attention to the following correct methods when using the box type eco cabinet mold for production: first, before using the box type eco cabinet mold, a layer of special mold release agent or oil should be painted on the inner wall, which can not only accelerate the demoulding effect of concrete, but also ensure that the steel plate can be isolated from the outside air; second, the mold is entering During storage, the warehouse with ventilated environment and no direct sunlight shall be selected. There shall be no volatile chemicals in the warehouse to prevent damage to the steel plate. In this way, we can make sure that the quality of the mold is reliable and the method is correct in normal use. Without any problem, we can use the mold for at least five years. At this time, the service life of the mold also reaches our expected life range. The box type eco cabinet mold produced by our factory may affect the use effect of the mold in many other aspects, but we still hope that the mold product can get better use effect in the project, and its overall life can be longer, so we must pay attention to relevant matters when storing and using the mold, so that our mold product can More times of turnover in the project.

箱式生态柜模具   箱式生态框模具  生态框模具

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