The unified mark confirms that the products marked with EAC marking have complied with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.
/ Description of the EAC Mark
Example images of the unified mark are below (first two for proportion purposes):
统一的标记是三个程式化的字母的组合:“E”、“A”和“C”,其比例、 高度和宽度都相同。它们有一个对比鲜明的背景,标记与被贴的产品表面或其标签的颜色形成对比。
The unified mark is a combination of three stylized letters: ‘E’, ‘A’ and ‘C’, with the same proportions, height and width. There is a contrasting background and the mark has to contrast with color of the surface of the product or its label, which it is put on.
ЕАС abbreviation stands for “Eurasian Conformity”.
The size of the unified mark may be specified by the manufacturer (supplier) that has received the right to use the unified mark. However, it must be at least 5 mm of size and clearly visible to the naked eye on the general background color of the object. The mark can be put on the product (label, package) in any way, but is has to be clearly visible during the lifetime of the product.
/ Order of application of the unified mark
Manufacturers (suppliers) have the right to use the unified mark, if the product has passed all the relevant Technical Regulation( s) of the Customs Union assessment procedures (confirmations), which are confirmed by the documents provided for appropriate forms of conformity assessment in the Customs Union (Declaration/s and Certificate/s to CU TR).
/ Rules of application of the unified mark
The unified mark is applied on each unit of production, packaging oraccompanying documentation.
The image of the unified mark has to be one color and contrast with the surface color on which it is applied.
The place of application of the unified mark on the product, packaging and documentation is established in technical regulations of the Customs union.