≥ 1台¥3850.00
性能及特点 :
主机动力部分一般都采用 380v电作为动力源:大多数的工业吸尘器的动力部分均选择380V的工业动力电源来其强大的动力。工业吸尘器配置的380V工业电机基本上均可24小时连续工作。吸尘器配置主机本款工业吸尘机依靠中压鼓风机大吸力的特性,加装隔离装置,通过管道将鼓风机与磨床工作平台相连,靠吸力吸附粉尘或碎屑,当通过隔离装置的细筛网过滤处理后,粉尘就会被收集到过滤集尘柜,另一出风口就会排出清新的空气! 中国台湾全风集团大陆工厂是一家生产高、中、低压鼓风机及各种工业吸尘器的高新企业。机壳、叶轮选用高纯度铝合金,采用的(一体压铸)压铸而成,其产品特点:高密度、轻量化、耐高温、使用寿命周期长。
1.采用台湾中压离心抽风机,外观美观,结构紧凑; 2.吸尘箱体采用冷轧钣金加工焊接工艺,并水箱过滤沉降方式;
3.加载水泵可随时将磨削液循环,以利更好的磨铣工艺; 4.内置滤网式过滤抽屉,可将磨削水雾中的灰尘收集并处理;
5.运行噪音低,抽灰除尘稳定,清灰方便快捷; 6.配套损耗件少,安全可靠。
Filter element using polytetrafluoron film coated porous material, dust and other fine particles, through the dust removal equipment to separate these fine particles from the gas flat process for industrial dust removal process, with waterproof, oil resistance, high temperature resistance and other characteristics, and can make the particle size of dust up to 0.1-0.5 micron.With very outstanding and efficient filtration performance. The filtered purified gas is discharged from the air outlet, which can be discharged directly in the indoor circulation, or discharged outdoors according to the need. The cylinder fold design can make the filtering area as high as 10-20 square meters.
Equipment used for collecting waste, filtering and purifying air and cleaning environment in industrial production process. Workshop vacuum cleaner can absorb all kinds of metal, non-metal, oil, water and other particles of dirt and liquid, can absorb and purify toxic and harmful gases, in the textile industry can improve the quality of products,