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本公司是生产、销售、设计、研发为一体的企业,现有产品如下:磨床吸尘器、柜式磨床吸尘器、工业磨床吸尘器、粉尘除尘机、粉尘防爆吸尘器、脉冲集尘机、移动式吸尘器、吸铁削吸尘器、高压吸尘器、弹簧脉冲吸尘器、及各种除尘设备、公司在大陆已有   7 家公司均为:上海与鑫机电科技有限公司、上海全风实业有限公司、北京全风机电设备有限公司 .苏州全风环保科技有限公司.东莞全风环保科技有限公司. 江苏全风环保科技有限公司、  全风环保科技股份有限公司 .  欢迎广大新老客户前来参观、指导、订购!!
依靠中压鼓风机大吸力的特性,加装隔离装置,通过管道将鼓风机与磨床工作平台相连,靠吸力吸附粉尘或碎屑,当通过隔离装置的细筛网过滤处理后,粉尘就会被收集到过滤集尘柜,另一出风口就会排出清新的空气  !



工业吸尘器 高压吸尘器 柜式集尘机 脉冲集尘器  目前已广泛应于各工业部门。近年来,随着国民经济的发展以及愈来愈严格的环境保护要求, 中压   除尘器在产量上有了相当大的增长,品种也日渐增多。因此,在设计工作中合理地选定布袋除尘器的基本参数,正确地进行除尘系统设计,不仅对于控制污染、保护环境有重要作用,而且对于提高设备处理含尘气体的能力,降低设备投资从而减少工程造价,也具有极重要的经济意义。
Through the suction tube suction box, into the filter cylinder filter, dust particles are blocked by the filter cylinder to stay on the surface, the purified gas discharged by the air outlet, can be used for single or multiple dust collection dust removal points strong suction, large dust storage volume, long service life, high temperature resistance and other advantages, 3μm dust filtering efficiency of 99.9%.

Efficient filter cylinder to capture dust particle size of 0.3-0.5 micron, with very prominent and efficient filtering performance, cylinder capacity than other vacuum cleaners, industrial vacuum cleaner cylinder is generally greater than commercial and household vacuum cleaner, and considering the large capacity of garbage cleaning industrial vacuum cleaner design cylinder movement and dumping are very convenient.

主要用于平面磨床工作时产生的金属粉尘、砂轮废屑、金属与砂轮混合粉尘的收集与吸咐,确保工作环境的清洁,从而预防 “职业病”的发生。磨床吸尘机 / 磨床粉尘收集器 / 磨床粉尘回收器主要结构:抽尘风机(选自全风透浦式中压离心风机,低噪音、低震动,全铝材质)
工作原理:依靠磨床集尘器鼓风机大吸力的特性,加装隔离装置,通过管道将鼓风机与磨床工作平台相连,靠吸力吸附粉尘或碎屑,当通过隔离装置的精密型过滤器过滤处理后,粉尘就会被收集到过滤集尘柜,另一出风口就会排出清新的空气  !
The filtering precision of PM2.5 has good removal effect, absorption of glass fiber products manufacturing hardened surface grinding of dust and debris, steel mill, cement, furniture, ceramics, chemical, construction, metal, plastic, powder operations, cutting operations, grinding operation, sand blasting operation, organic glass processing operation such as to produce a large quantity of dust condition. Used for dust removal, purification and recycling of shear material in production workshop.

And take into account the large capacity of garbage cleaning industrial vacuum cleaner designed cylinder movement and dumping are very convenient. Or according to the situation is equipped with different bins or recycling boxes, in order to solve the problem of recycling in the field of industrial vacuuming. The most common is the intervention of the preprocessor, can increase the capacity, the separation of different materials of recycling, can make up for some of the deficiencies of different designs of industrial vacuum cleaners.

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