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DMC(PMD)-MD Series Jet-Pulse Unit Bag Filter

 PDM(DMC)系列喷吹脉冲单机袋式收尘器适用于破碎、输送、提升、配料、库顶、库底、水泥散装等处的粉尘治理,可以连续工作,无须停机清灰
 收尘器可分成不同的安装形式:不带灰斗及支腿型(B型)、带灰斗及支腿型(A型);风机可90°、0°,根据需要选择
 压缩空气0.5-0.7MPa的压力,否则影响清灰效果
 除尘器本体采用碳钢、不锈钢等材质
 PMD(DMC) series jet-pulse unit bag filter is applicable for dust collecting in various sections, such as crushing, conveying, elevating, proportioning, silo top, silo bottom and bulk cement. It could operate continuously without necessity to stop the equipment for removing dust.
 The dust collector could be erectly in different ways: without hopper and bracing(B model); with hopper and long bracing(A model); Fans can be set in 90°and 0°angles depending on requirements.
 Pressure of compressed air should be ensured within0.5-0.7MPA,or else operation for removing dust would not be efficient.
 Use the material such as carbon steel, stainless steel filter ontology.

 一般采用上箱体顶部设可掀起的盖板用于检修及更换滤袋,若空间受限可采用侧开门以便检修更换滤袋。
 滤袋用特制的弹簧胀圈固定在多孔板上,滤袋内安装有金属框架和文氏管。
 采用微机自动控制清灰
 安装有防滤袋脱落网,更适合库顶使用
 General use case on the top cover plate for convenient maintenance and replacement of bag. If the space is limited side door can be used to repair replace the filter bag.
 Filter bag with a special spring ring fixed on the perforated plate , Metal frame and pipe installation within the filter bag
 Dust removal is controlled by computer automatically.
 A net is installed to avoid bag’s falling down to silo. It is more suitable for operation on top of silo.

【技术指标Technical Indexes】
 收尘器入口含尘浓度一般低于200g/Nm3
 收尘器排放浓度低于20mg/Nm3
 收尘器滤袋寿命两年以上

PPCM(FGM)-MD Series High Concentration and Explosion Proof Bag Filter
PPCM(FGM)Series bag filter is mainly applied to dust collection in pulverized coal preparation system in industries ad building material, metallurgy, electrical power, etc. It performs well in both collecting material and removing dust, equipment for pre-collecting dust is not necessary.
Normal operation temperature of PPCM(FGMM) series bag filter is≤120℃.it is suggested to control temperature at inlet to be lower than 110℃.
 能一次性处理含尘浓度≤1000g/Nm ³的煤粉
 壳体承受的压力达14000pa
 充分的防燃措施,避免高浓度煤粉自燃
 脉冲清灰,清灰强度大,动作迅速
 整机采用微机自动控制,各控制参数易于调节,投入自动时,
 当收尘器入口浓度≤1000/Nm³时,出口排放≤20mg/Nm ³
 滤袋使用寿命二年以上

 漏风小,清灰时对相邻小袋室
 无“二次扬尘”和“粉尘再附”现象
 结构紧凑,重量轻
 箱体结构设计,易于现场装配
 滤袋的使用寿命长等优点
 过滤工况:HKD型袋式除尘器的大优点是采用具有拦阻和过滤双除尘机理组合结构。含尘烟气由灰斗上
 清灰工况:HKD型滤袋式除尘器的第二大优点是用提升切换阀(柔性接触)替代其它类型烘干机袋室需要一个排风碟阀(刚性接触)和反吹风蝶阀(刚性接触)同时动作才能完成反吹清灰工作,易于实现“组合状态”清灰控制过程,清灰效果理想。

YDMC-G(MD) Resistance to Pressure Cylinder Bag Filter

FE - MD electricity composite filter bag is an organic integration of electrostatic precipitation and filter two kinds of dust removal mechanism, electric bag filter with high frequency high voltage power supply, integral layout, with the merits of compact, soot cleaning cycle is long, long service life of filter pocket, the advantages of stable and reliable operation, can be widely used in electric power, cement, metallurgy and other industrial kiln fume, achieve long-term stable emission concentration is lower than 50 mg/Nm3 index requirements.
【工艺流程 Process flow】
In FE-MD model electricity compound bag dust catcher, flue gas imports from the horn in the top level of the electric area, smoke and dust under the action of electric corona current charged, most electric field collection down, a small amount of charged, which have not been arrested after the collection of dust in the flue gas evenly into bag dust collection area, flue gas

MAIDI-LT系列滤筒除尘器是一种以滤筒作为核心过滤元件的脉冲喷吹除尘器。 滤筒除尘器按安装方式分,可以分为斜插式,侧装式,吊装式,上装式。 滤筒除尘器按滤筒材料分,可以分为长纤维聚酯滤筒除尘器,复合纤维滤筒除尘器,防静电滤筒除尘器,阻燃滤筒除尘器,覆膜滤筒除尘器,纳米滤筒除尘器等。广泛应用于焊接烟气、切割烟气、打磨抛光、喷漆废气等车间环境治理,

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