≥ 1个¥70.00
安利洗洁精安利产品配送到家,免运费。薇.信电话同号:I58 5763 O627
According to the latest global wealth report, China’s middle class has reached 109 million, it the world’s crown. The increase in wealth brings about an upgrade in the quality of life. Consumers are increasingly demanding international high-quality products, and the “Hao Tao” model, which can be purchased globally without going abroad, is becoming more and more popular. In 2015, 35% of Chinese online shopping consumers had Haitao experience. On the day of Tmall International, 30 million Chinese consumers bought the world through the website. According to the data forecast of the General Administration of Customs and the China E-Commerce Research Center, it is expected that by 2018, the “Hao Tao” market will reach a trillion level. Facing the new situation and new opportunities, the “Amway Overseas Purchase” cross-border e-commerce platform is scheduled to be launched in the spring of 2016, and more global Amway quality products will be introduced into China.