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2020年12月11 日:漯河会写节能评估报告漯河哪里会做。备案。,Project name: annual output of 55000 tons of aluminum alloy rod (rods, plates) reconstruction project. New YiTiao project content: the total investment of 15 million yuan, annual production of 5000 tons of aluminum alloy rod production line. Aluminum rod process: buy the liquid aluminum - processing composition adjustment - casting to hydraulic shear, the school should be heated to continuous rolling and continuous quenching, towards the rod - finished products. Major equipment: holding furnace, continuous casting machine, straightening machine, rolling mill, the rod machine, lifting equipment, spectrometer, truck, etc.。

备案内容如下:一、建设:沈丘县莲池镇王庄行政村二、建设主要内容:项目流转土地450亩,主要种植蔬菜,建房、仓库等配套设施400平方米,温室育苗棚1000平方米。工艺技术:育苗-移栽--收获-包装-销售。购置旋耕机、打垄机、自动灌溉设备、喷药设备、包装设备等。三、建设起止年限:2016年08月 至 2016年12月四、总 投 资:4300万元 ,其中: 企业自筹4300万元, 国内0万元, 其它资金0万元。企业名称:深圳市大汉文化旅游有限公司经核查,你单位申请,备案。。

项目名称:年产4万套家具生产项目。建设主要内容:总建筑面积45169平方米,主要建设5栋厂房,建筑面积35944平方米,科研楼1栋,建筑面积3240平方米,生产辅助用房2栋,建筑面积5265平方米,职工餐厅1栋,建筑面积720平方米。工艺流程:设计→下单→开料→铣型→排钻→打孔→批灰→底漆→油磨→面漆→修色→包装→入库。主要设备:推台锯、电子开料锯、双面刨床刨床、排钻、封边机、镂铣机、精密锯、雕洗机、吸尘机、砂光机、刨光机等。企业名称:河南天力电气设备有限公司经核查,你单位申请,Project name: we produce more than 60 sets of rural living garbage sorting and processing complete sets of equipment. The construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 16000 square meters, a total construction area of 12000 square meters. The workshop 7000 square meters, warehouse area of 4400 square meters, 600 square meters of office space. Production process is: raw material - cutting - bending - shock - welding - painting - product inspection - factory. (CA6140A) main equipment: lathe, drilling machine (Z3050X16), electric welding machine, CNC hydraulic shearing machine (QC12K - 4 left, 2500), CNC bending machine (100 t / 3200), road, air pump. After the completion of projects, produce more than 60 sets of rural living garbage sorting and processing complete sets of equipment, the annual business income is 10.8 million yuan, profit tax of 1.836 million yuan, product sales market prospect, considerable economic and social benefits.,备案内容如下:一、建设:中牟大孟镇梦蝶路东、夏菡路南、梦幻路北二、建设主要内容:项目位于中牟县大孟镇,项目土地使用权面积55253平方米,绿地面积16575.933平方米。容积率3.5,绿地率30 %。拟建总建筑面积313386平方米,其中地上建筑面积193386平方米,地下建筑面积120000平方米。三、建设起止年限:2017年12月 至 2020年12月四、总 投 资:350000万元 ,其中: 企业自筹350000万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。企业名称:信阳三力星环保新材料有限公司经核查,你单位申请。








Project name: the reconstruction of the annual output of 20000 tons of high-grade refractory materials, construction of the main content: the project use the original workshop, factory building area of 2000 square meters. Down-draft kiln 2 are removed, the newly built five as a set of high efficiency, energy conservation and environmental protection a conjoined spun kiln, use of natural gas for clean energy, recycling of waste heat. Outsourcing of manufacturing process: raw materials (high alumina clinker, clay, corundum, mullite, waste refractory materials, etc.), crushing, screening, crushing, mixing, mixing, molding, drying (using sintering waste heat), sintering, inspection, warehousing; Major equipment: automatic multi-function press, a broken machine, screening machine, roll machine, Raymond mill, automatic batching system, energy sing, environmental protection, such as string conjoined kiln.,项目名称:年产树脂砂轮1000吨(直径450mm以上)建设项目,建设主要内容:该项目租用原有场地6000平方米,拟建设年产1000吨树脂砂轮(直径450mm以上)生产线。工艺技术:外购原材料(陶瓷颗粒)—混料—液压机加工—烧制成型—检查—包装。主要设备:自动混料锅、四柱液压机、窑炉等。企业名称:河南荣佑房地产有限公司经核查,你单位申请,备案。。

Project name: annual output of 50000 cubic meters of new decorating plate, 6 million m cladding material project. The construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 35 acres; 3 construction of workshop buildings, warehouse 1, building 1, and other facilities, building area of 20000 square meters. Technological process: item 1 (new decorative) : plate - coated - pressure stick - finished products; Products (cabinets, wardrobe) : 2 plate cutting - edge - punching - packaging - finished products; Product 3 (cladding material) : raw material purchases - heat - out - shapes - finished products; Main equipment are: pressure machine, compressor, extrusion machine, grinder, Italy of south edge banding machine, engring machine, star, punching machine, etc.; Products are mainly used in domestic outfit building materials, engineering decoration, hotel and other industries, the market prospect.,备案。。

项目名称:年产3000吨钎焊材料。建设主要内容:建设规模及建设内容:该项目位于新乡市凤泉区块村营村,企业租赁厂房及办公用房5000平方米,建设年加工3000吨钎焊(不含铅、镉)生产线,该项目分阶段性建设完成。工艺技术:外购电解铜、磷铜,经过熔化、拉丝、切断、包装。主要设备:中频炉、机、拉丝机、切断机。,项目名称:年产1万吨建筑石料项目。建设主要内容:项目8.1亩,主要建设生产车间、原料库、成品库等,年产1万吨建筑石料,生产技术路线为原料→颚破→筛分→成品,主要设备包括颚式破碎机、制沙机、传送带等。为什么要编写可行性研究报告?用于发展和改革委立项的可行性研究报告,根行政许可法》和《对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》而编写,是大型基础设施项目立项的基础文件,根据可行性研究报告进行核准、,备案内容如下:一、建设:叶县盐城路东段路南二、建设主要内容:该项目用地面积1000平方米,新建业务办公楼1栋,建筑总面积1905平方米。三、建设起止年限:2015年08月 至 2016年08月四、总 投 资:260万元 ,其中: 企业自筹260万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。。

Project name: annual output of 1 million pairs of rain boots. The construction main contents: the use of the existing workshop and accessory apartment of 5000 square meters. Major equipment: mixing mill, five rolling machine, cutting machine, molding lines, packaging lines. Main raw materials (outsourcing process is rubber, calcium carbonate), mixing (without heating), prototyping, testing, packaging, finished product. After the completion of the project can form the scale of annual output of 1 million pairs of boots. Products are mainly exported to Japan, Europe and the United States and other places, the wide prospect of market.,备案内容如下:一、建设:源汇区交通路中段二、建设主要内容:该项目5亩,总建筑面积8400平方米。其中三层商业建筑面积5000平方米、办公室3400平方米。主要经营服装、鞋帽、床上用品、首饰等,市场前景广阔、经济效益可观三、建设起止年限:2016年10月至2017年05月四、总投资:1000万元,其中:企业自筹1000万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。。



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