VALTRON®UltraLux™ LF-1009-SB液体蜡粘合剂适用于直径大于2英寸的半导体和光伏晶圆基板。UltraLux™ LF-1009-SB液体蜡粘合剂具有高粘合强度、良好的耐温性和低黏性,可在设备晶圆和晶圆基板上提供可靠的薄层粘合剂
ABLESTIK QMI2569是一种银色玻璃芯片贴装剂 半导体胶 导电胶 芯片胶
LOCTITE ABLESTIK QMI2569、银色玻璃、半导体、导电胶
LOCTITE® ABLESTIK QMI2569是一种银色玻璃芯片贴装剂,用于在焊料密封玻璃密封中连接集成电路。该材料允许同时处理芯片连接和引出线框嵌入,同时产生无空隙的粘结层,以限度地散热。采用硼酸铅玻璃可获得良好的RGA保湿效果。LOCTITE ABLESTIK QMI2569还允许在烧制过程中在线干燥,改善可加工性,可达0.800"x 0.800"。可以用多针或海星涂敷这种材料。LOCTITE ABLESTIK QMI2569只能用于密封包装用途。
• 无气泡粘合层
• 化散热能力
The VALTRON® AD4803A/B temporary adhesive system is a two-component epoxy system consisting of the VALTRON® AD4803A
resin and VALTRON® AD4803B hardener. The cure time for this adhesive is approximately 2 hours at room temperature. This fast
curing adhesive system effectively adheres materials to dicing substrates and allows for quick and efficient removal. This series of
temporary adhesives can replace the temporary wax adhesives. The wax is not easy to be removed after use, but the VALTRON®
AD4803A/B system can be removed by hot water in minutes.