≥ 1台¥130000.00
河南 PIOUY半自动小型方便面生产线设备采购价格 Small instant noodle production line方便面设备价格 意大利面通心粉生产线 小型方便面生产线采购 全自动方便面生产线 半自动方便面生产线 方便面设备
MT-Ⅲ automatic instant noodle production line is a new generation of miniaturized products developed and produced by our company on the basis of calling similar products at home and abroad and combining with the demand of China's mass consumer market. Its process is perfect, compact structure, novel design, stable and reliable performance. The production from flour to finished product is completed automatically at one time, with high automatic flower degree, simple operation, moderate output, energy saving, small area, investment is only 1/10 of large equipment, with the characteristics of less investment and quick effect, especially suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises and individual enterprises.
MT-Ⅲ全自动方便面生产线是我公司在调用国内外同类产品的基础上,结合我国大众消费市场的需求,研制、生产的具有小型化生产特点的新一代产品。其工艺完善、结构紧凑 、设计新颖、性能稳定可靠。生产从面粉到成品自动一次完成,自动花程度高,操作简单,产量适中,节约能源,占地面积小,投资只是大型设备的十分之一,具有投资少、见效快的特点,特别适合于中小型和个体企业。
和面机 → 成型机 →蒸煮机 → 切断机 → 电力炸锅/整齐炸锅 → 冷却机