

及时发货 交易保障 卖家承担邮费




  国际在线报道(中国国际广播电台记者 王毓韵):俄罗斯国家颁授仪式23日在克里姆林宫隆重举行。俄向中国驻俄大使李辉授予“友谊”。俄、议会等各方面负责人以及社会各界人士100余人出席仪式。


Article 7

1. The guaranteeing association shall have a period of six months from the date of the claim
made by the Customs authorities for the sums referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the present Convention in which to furnish proof of the re-exportation of the goods under the conditions laid down in the present Convention or of any other proper discharge of the A.T.A. carnet.

2. If such proof is not furnished within the time allowed the guaranteeing association shall
forthwith deposit, or pay provisionally, such sums. This deposit or payment shall become final after a period of three months from the date of the deposit or payment. During the latter period the guaranteeing association may still furnish the proof referred to in the preceding paragraph with a view to recovery of the sums deposited or paid.

3. For countries whose laws and regulations do not provide for the deposit or provisional
payment of import duties, payments made in conformity with the provisions of the preceding
paragraph shall be regarded as final, but the sums paid shall be refunded if the proof referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is furnished within three months of the date of the payment.

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